The Star Early Edition

Double Crossword




1 Flatlands suffering from unhindered progress (5,7) 9 Bar from going otherwise inside (5) 10 Moan disrupted new revue plot (9) 11 Trawled sun resorts for itchy feet (10) 12 Some favour Dutch language (4) 14 Composer with hot head entered the realm of madness (6) 16 Appreciate sage in the same way (8) 18 Model to boot during darts game (8) 19 Boy stands among the most outstandin­g and dashing young men (6) 22 Internatio­nal leader returns to a scrap (4) 23 Excited at rises in tart and cake business (10) 26 Prove a tie breaker in force (9) 27 Park worker losing head and spleen (5) 28 See head start made it more advanced (7,5)


1 Heathen father raised horse (5) 2 All set for some sort of heady treat (2,3,5) 3 Misleading laymen in other words (6) 4 Without knowing how to sing compositio­n in a concert, to begin with (8) 5 Eye up dance (4) 6 Take no notice of upcoming study about animal pests (5,4) 7 Artificial hair on central swamp dwelling (6) 8 Reserved protest over centre's closure (6) 13 Danced a 5-down over condition of property (4,6) 15 Genuine centre-left realignmen­t (9) 17 Lung, for example, is originally thought to be music maker (8) 18 Hearts, for one, or one trying to win one (6) 20 Cuts off listeners after call for silence (6) 21 Pictures medicine man's innards (6) 24 Fix identity when firmly fixed (5) 25 Forced to listen to serving wench (4)



1 Lack of pity or mercy (12) 9 Place in linear sequence (5) 10 Relative of the alligator (9) 11 Pharmacy (10) 12 Make garments from wool (4) 14 Aquatic relative of the tortoise (6) 16 Continuous, uninterrup­ted (8) 18 Curved sword (8) 19 Deviating from the correct path (6) 22 Split, fissure (4) 23 Contemptuo­us, scornful (10) 26 Southern French seaport (9) 27 Latin American dance (5) 28 Male sex hormone (12)


1 Remains of fallen buildings or towns (5) 2 Cut of meat from between the ribs and sirloin (10) 3 Swarming grasshoppe­r (6) 4 Cleaning by hard scrubbing (8) 5 Recess, alcove (4) 6 Large triangular racing sail (9) 7 Robber (6) 8 Vanquished (6) 13 Italian cured ham (10) 15 Give added support to (9) 17 Rod-shaped bacterium (8) 18 Prawn (6) 20 Lemon, buttercup (6) 21 Stick fast, be attached to (6) 24 Barrier for enclosing land (5) 25 Skilful (4)

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