The Star Early Edition

No victory lap as AKA booted out


IN OUR last look at Tropika Island of Treasure, we wished that a woman would win the next challenge, and our genie heard us and the lot fell on Jay Anstey, who turned out to be an interestin­g character.

Who would have thought the sweet Isidingo actress would be harbouring such resentment? She surprised many, including her best buddy, Pearl Thusi, when she doubted her loyalty. Two things are certain, though: Anstey has a boys vs girls mentality and is weeding out anyone with strong affiliatio­ns to the male species.

After claiming victory in the puzzle game, she showed that the end is bright for the women, because you never know what the final challenge will be.



Any rapper knows that your street cred is always supposed to be on point. Simply translated, you need to appear cool at all times, despite your circumstan­ces. This is why AKA kept brushing his beard as the other players were let off the chopping block during the last eliminatio­n. He had suspected himself or Da Les would be going home, but didn’t think Sinethemba Buthelezi would have the stomach or spine to send him packing this early in the game.

“There is a lot that happens behind the cameras which people don’t see,” said AKA.

“People never get to know about these things, but Sine’s decision was just him taking things that happened off-camera personally.”

The rapper would not elaborate on what these “things” were, but it sounded serious enough for him to have been sent off the island.

“If I could do it all again I wouldn’t let Jay win that puzzle challenge. I would win it and get rid of Sine straight away. But I’m cool with it, man. I had fun, Jamaica was amazing and the people there were very warm. I would like to visit again soon,” he concluded.


Nothing beats a man’s bruised ego. Everywhere AKA goes, he is the coolest guy in the room, so for Buthelezi, a professed fan of the Victory Lap rapper, to evict him like that bordered on being disrespect­ful to the game. Although he tried to hold it together, AKA is not used to being rejected, especially since his career has taken off. The girls were all present and that just made his situation worse because he had to work hard to appear unfazed.


I think we can all call this one. If Anstey were to get a rand for every time she mentioned Mbali’s name, she would have to leave the show as she would have made her own R1 million already. It will be a miracle if Mbali makes it past the next episode as Anstey is not enjoying their relationsh­ip so far. When Mbali got a chance to explain herself, she didn’t make sense at all.


As AKA clearly stated, there is a large amount of behind-the-scenes footage that viewers could do with because that would provide us with more context as to howthese contestant­s relate to each other. Free that content now!

Tropika Island of Treasure airs every Saturday on SABC1 at 6.30pm.

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