The Star Early Edition


BHP Billiton is under inquiry by US for corruption at Beijing Olympics

- Sonali Paul and Lucy Hornby

THE US government was investigat­ing BHP Billiton for possible corrupt practices, the company confirmed yesterday, after media reports said it was being probed for its sponsorshi­p of the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

Australia’s Fairfax Media reported that the US Department of Justice and the Australian Federal Police were probing allegation­s that the mining company had provided inducement­s, hospitalit­y and gifts to Chinese and other officials.

The US Justice Department told Fairfax on Tuesday, in response to a freedom of informatio­n request, that it was conducting “law enforcemen­t proceeding­s” involving BHP Billiton, which supplied the materials for gold, silver and bronze medals used in Beijing.

Australian police confirmed that they had been working with foreign counterpar­ts and local regulators on Australian aspects of the US investigat­ion.

The company said it had been co-operating with “relevant authoritie­s”, and said it believed it had complied with all applicable laws in regards to its Olympics sponsorshi­p.

“BHP Billiton is fully committed to operating with integrity and the group’s policies specifical­ly prohibit engaging in bribery in all its forms,” the biggest mining company said.

BHP Billiton has been under investigat­ion for possible corrupt practices since at least 2009, disclosing in 2010 that it had uncovered possible violations of anti-corruption laws.

Fairfax reported that between 2000 and 2008, BHP Billiton spent millions of dollars on a major Olympics sponsorshi­p deal and hospitalit­y package.

This involved more than 170 VIPs, including senior government officials and Chinese steel and mineral company chief executives, according to a former employee in China.

Unlike most consumerfo­cused sponsors, BHP Billiton’s involvemen­t at the 2008 Beijing Olympics was targeted mostly at its close circle of Chinese buyers and employees.

“Most sponsorshi­ps focus on media buys and advertisin­g. We’ve done almost none,” Maria McCarthy, the head of its Olympic sponsorshi­p team, said in March 2008. “Instead, we are focusing on community leveraging, stakeholde­r leveraging that involves government­s and customers, and our staff.”

A former BHP Billiton staffer involved in the event arrangemen­ts told Reuters that the company went out of its way to comply with Australian rules and compiled extensive documentat­ion on its activities.

Fairfax said the officials entertaine­d by BHP Billiton included the head of stateowned Chinese aluminium producer Chinalco and the secretary-general of the China Iron and Steel Associatio­n.

“The long-standing enforcemen­t practice of the US Department of Justice has been to treat executives of state-owned enterprise­s as government officials for purposes of the antibriber­y provisions,” said Nathan Bush, an attorney at O’Melveny & Myers in Beijing.

An employee from China’s flagship steel maker, Baosteel, said BHP Billiton had held a roundtable for its iron ore clients during the Games, where they had discussed the steel industry outlook. He said lower-ranking staff attended.

“It was all part of their sponsorshi­p, there was nothing out of the ordinary,” he said, adding that BHP Billiton gave participan­ts Olympics tickets from its sponsorshi­p package.

At the time, BHP Billiton was championin­g market pricing for iron ore instead of annual contracts, drawing an angry response from Chinese steel mills forced to pay much more for raw materials.

The mining firm was not an elite partner, but a local sponsor, as it had been for the Sydney Games in 2000. It paid Beijing organisers an undisclose­d sum and provided materials for the 6 000 or so medals required for the Olympics and Paralympic­s. – Reuters

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