The Rep

Hikers go on a breathtaki­ng voyage on Qwempe mountain


Emalahleni Municipali­ty’s local economic department continues to develop the local economy through trailblazi­ng and tapping into uncharted economic paths, the municipali­ty says in a statement.

According to the statement from spokespers­on Luthando Nqumkana, while continuing to support emerging entreprene­urs, the municipali­ty has taken hiking, mountainee­ring and camping as some of the cornerston­es that will assist in unlocking the untapped tourism economy within the municipal area.

“While our geographic area boasts majestic mountains, historic caves, liberation routes and exhilarati­ng waterfalls, it is hiking and climbing that will help harness the collective energy which will enable us to preserve and popularise existing heritage sites such as the mystical Qwempe mountain.”

In partnershi­p with Komani Hiking Club, the municipali­ty recently embarked on a hiking trip to the summit of Qwempe and the sparkling pools of water on the rocks took participan­ts’ breath away on the top of Qwempe mountain.

The different pools without any visible source are only one of the wonders of nature that brought fulfilment to the participan­ts.

Qwempe mountain is nestled between Mkhaphusi (ward 12), Jojweni (ward 8) and (ward 10) villages.

Hikers were also treated to traditiona­l song by the renowned Tsembeyi Cultural Group.

The group also received a set of traditiona­l attire from the municipali­ty.

Handing over the attire, mayor Nontombiza­nele Koni encouraged other villages and particular­ly young people to emulate the Tsembeyi Cultural Group and come up with some innovative ideas through which they can benefit from tourism in the area.

Koni acknowledg­ed and appreciate­d the role played by the Komani Hiking Club, saying it was only through partnershi­ps of this kind that they would be able to promote tourism in the area.

She also thanked the planning, economic developmen­t, tourism and agricultur­e directorat­e led by director, Nkululo Mntuyedwa and urged other directorat­es to think out of the box in an effort to accelerate service delivery to the people.

“We are grateful to the people of this area including traditiona­l leaders for their goodwill and next time we come here you must prepare some items to sell.

“We feel strengthen­ed now that we are down from the top of Qwempe and our speaker, councillor Ncedisa Mtyobile bears testimony to that as she went all the way,” Koni said.

The community of Qwempe attended the event in numbers, young and old.

The youth were there for the better part of the night and the traditiona­l leader of the area visited the hikers when they were preparing to travel home to see if they slept well and fulfilled their mission.

 ?? Picture: SUPPLIED ?? HIKING VOYAGE: In partnershi­p with the Komani Hiking Club, the Emalahleni Local Municipali­ty recently embarked on a hiking trip to the summit of Qwempe Mountain
Picture: SUPPLIED HIKING VOYAGE: In partnershi­p with the Komani Hiking Club, the Emalahleni Local Municipali­ty recently embarked on a hiking trip to the summit of Qwempe Mountain

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