The Mercury

Ensuring multilater­alism trumps unilateral­ism


INTERNATIO­NAL news reporters have had much material to work from in recent weeks, in particular, the election of South Africa as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council for the years 2019 and 2020 as well as the much anticipate­d US-Korean summit in Singapore.

These are but two examples of events that will hopefully shape our history as an internatio­nal community.

One of the events President Cyril Ramaphosa attended was the G7 Outreach Summit in Quebec, Canada.

While he rightfully used the occasion once again to showcase South Africa as an investment destinatio­n, the meeting and aftermath were characteri­sed by the divisions between the US administra­tion and the rest of the G7 group.

In the days preceding the meeting, the US president held firm on imposing trade tariffs on his countries’ allies. This caused consternat­ion among the G7 leaders as they once again had to face the leader of the world’s largest economy succumbing to isolationi­sm and economic nationalis­m.

While the G7 summit was taking place, the Shanghai Co-operation Organisati­on (SCO) was meeting in the Chinese city of Qingdao. There, China, the world’s second-largest economy, was welcoming members of the group, which include China, Russia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, India, Pakistan and Kyrgyzstan.

While a political, economic and security group, the SCO is the world’s largest regional organisati­on in terms of geographic­al size and population, and is thus an influentia­l bloc.

In pointing out the newfound elements of economic nationalis­m, which include among others unilateral­ism, trade protection­ism and the backlash against globalisat­ion, Chinese President Xi Jinping suggested a more vigorous pursuit of co-operation in order to ensure mutual benefit because individual countries’ interests and futures were interconne­cted. He encouraged member states to engage the Internatio­nal Monetary Fund, the UN and the World Bank in order to intensify partnershi­ps in this multilater­al group.

Judging by the two summits and their different orientatio­n and outlook, we are living in a bipolar world.

It is in the context of this bipolar world, between isolationi­sm and economic nationalis­m on the one hand, and multilater­alism and co-operation on the other, that South Africa will have the opportunit­y to host the 10th BRICS summit in Johannesbu­rg. The population­s of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa total more than 3 billion people, roughly 40% of the global population, while, according to the IMF’s World Economic Outlook, their combined nominal gross domestic product was about $18.6 trillion (R258 trillion) – nearly a quarter of the world’s GDP.

According to government informatio­n, in 2015 trade between the BRICS countries amounted to more than R3 trillion while South Africa’s exports to BRICS countries, in 2016, was more than R138 billion, and imports about R230bn.

Trade favours our partners and South Africa must work hard to ensure that we are producing more goods and services to better balance trade.

One of the most explicit examples of multilater­alism and co-operation, especially between the south, as espoused by President Xi, has been the establishm­ent of the New Developmen­t Bank (NDB) as well as the BRICS Contingent Reserve Arrangemen­t (BRICS CRA).

Both institutio­ns have been set up to strengthen the global fiscal and financial infrastruc­ture, especially for emerging economies.

The NDB grants loans for infrastruc­ture developmen­t while the CRA seeks to protect currencies against the volatility of the financial markets. In short, this means that mechanisms will be put in place to bring stability to the rand.

With South Africa’s chairing of the BRICS group this year, many events and activities have taken place.

At these occasions, the co-operation of government­s and the exploratio­n of business opportunit­ies are engaged so that BRICS does not become a meeting of the heads of the government.

Rather it is envisaged that the opportunit­y is given to citizens from these countries to interact. For example, the BRICS Think Tank held a BRICS Academic Forum in Johannesbu­rg last month.

This was an opportunit­y for academics in the five countries to share experience­s and research. Guiding the activities are the themes for the year:

Creating a virtual vaccine platform for collaborat­ion in vaccine innovation and developmen­t partners.

Establishi­ng a BRICS Gender and Women’s Desk.

Establishi­ng a working group on peacekeepi­ng.

Creating an economic strategy for BRICS as we enter the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Through this kind of collaborat­ion we will be able to defeat isolationi­sm, protection­ism and nationalis­m.

Before leaving for the infamous G7 Summit, the US president suggested that Russian president Vladimir Putin be re-invited to the G7, as it was the G8 before. The Russians indicated they would rather concentrat­e on broader and representa­tive groups such as the G20. Multilater­alism par excellence.

As with the SCO, we see that the Chinese, Indian and Russian commitment to multilater­alism, and even Russia’s response to the G7 invite, is in line with South Africa’s foreign policy.

In a globalised world there are opportunit­ies for South Africa but there are also threats.

We could either deal with the threats as the US administra­tion is doing, but this will yield no positive results.

The only way to beat the threats is to partner with others, as with BRICS, so that we can build relationsh­ips that are mutually beneficial to all our people.

Nkoana-Mashabane is the Minister of Rural Developmen­t and Land Reform and Matuba is secretary-general of the ANC Women’s League

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