The Mercury



Garry Kimovich Kasparov turns 59 today. The emergence of Magnus Carlsen aside, we shall probably never again see a player dominate the chess world as much as he did during the period of 1985-2005. So complete was Kasparov’s superiorit­y over his peers that he constantly sought new challenges beyond the normal scope considered by most world champions. One such test was to take on the top players of a country in a simultaneo­us exhibition. Some years ago he took on the Czech national team in a simultaneo­us match over four boards in the wonderful settings of the Prague Castle. After two days play Kasparov emerged triumphant scoring 5,5-2,5 and carried off the purse of $40,000. The Czech players each had 2.5 hours for 50 moves and then 30 min to finish the game, while the only concession given to Kasparov was half an hour extra at the start of the game.

On Day One Kasparov suffered his only defeat of the event at the hands of GM Oral, the following day he extracted his revenge by way of a shrewd piece sacrifice.

Kasparov,G (2838) - Oral,T (2546) [A33] Eurotel Trophy Simul Prague CZE (2)

1.c4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.g3 e6 6.Bg2 Bc5 7.Nb3 Be7 8.Nc3 d6 9.Bf4 0-0 10.0-0 Nh5 11.Be3 Ne5 12.c5 d5 13.Bd4 Nc6 14.e4 Nxd4 15.Qxd4 dxe4 16.Qxe4 Nf6 17.Qe5 Bd7 18.Bxb7 Qb8 19.Qxb8 Raxb8 20.Ba6 Bc8 21.Bb5 Bb7 22.c6 Ba8 23.Rfd1 Bb4 24.Nd4! Bxc3 25.bxc3 e5 26.Nf5! (The advanced c pawn will secure at least a piece for White)... Rxb5 27.Ne7+ Kh8 28.c7 Bb7 29.Rab1 Rxb1 30.Rxb1 Ba6 31.Rb8 Re8 32.c4 g6?! (Accelerati­ng the end) 33.Nd5 Rc8 34.Nxf6 Kg7 35.Rxc8 Bxc8 36.Ne8+ 1-0

Kasparov has performed similar heroic feats at the form of chess which he had made his particular speciality; the most notable being his destructio­n of the Israeli Olympic squad (average rating 2600) by the huge margin of 7-1, while against Argentina Kasparov prevailed 8,5-3,5.

It is thought that the strength of a player depends mainly on his evaluating capability. There exists the routine evaluation of a position. It easily lends itself to study and one can find numerous players who possess this simple skill. But a player should evaluate a position, taking into account seemingly insignific­ant nuances. A deep penetratio­n into the secrets of a position-this is an indication of true strength.-Tigran Petrosian

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