The Mercury

Department hits back at IFP over road carnage claim

- African News Agency (ANA)

THE KwaZulu-Natal Department of Transport said yesterday that it was “malicious” for a political party to accuse it of being responsibl­e for the recent motor vehicle accidents across the province.

The department was responding to comments made by the IFP’s KZN transport spokespers­on Steven Moodley, who said the high number of accidents was caused by the department’s failure to fill about 200 job posts within the Road Traffic Inspectora­te (RTI).

In a recent crash on October 10, 13 people were killed in a taxi crash in Underberg. Last month, 13 people were also killed in a multiple vehicle crash at the intersecti­on of the R33 and R614 in Wartburg.

KZN Department of Transport spokespers­on Kwanele Ncalane said the accidents had involved human error.

“In one instance, a driver allegedly did not stop at an intersecti­on. So how can that be our fault? The IFP is just trying to be malicious.”

Moodley said the IFP had raised the issue of road crashes with the KZN MEC for transport, advocating for heightened vigilance.

“Sadly, these calls have not yielded any action and the status quo remains, with accidents becoming commonplac­e on our province’s roads,” said Moodley.

“The RTI simply cannot provide an effective service if they remain understaff­ed.”

Transport MEC Bheki Ntuli said the department had received an approval from the Premier of KwaZulu-Natal to fill 116 posts.

He said that they were making progress as they had already filled 14 of these posts, 102 posts were advertised towards the end of 2019.

He further said out of those, five posts are in the appointmen­t stage and the remaining 97 posts are in the various stages of the selection process. Premier Sihle Zikalala said since the start of the level 1 lockdown 106 people have died in motor vehicle accidents.

He said the number of road crashes had increased as the lockdown restrictio­ns were gradually eased.

In a statement on Wednesday, the KZN Provincial Executive Council said it “noted with deep pain” that the province had lost 20 lives over the weekend due to road crashes.

“The exco extends its heartfelt condolence­s to all the families who lost their loved ones. The Executive Council will provide support to the bereaved families. A mass funeral will be held this coming Saturday. The Executive Council wishes strength to all those affected as they go through this most difficult period in their lives,” the council said.

Ncalane said road users all had to play their part to ensure that the roads were safe.

“This is not only the job of the government. People need to start abiding by the rules of the road,” Ncalane said.

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