The Mercury

Explorer sets her sights on Guinness World Record

- NORMAN CLOETE For more on the record attempt, see https://ischoolafr­­acy/

IF WE give children the digital tools, we can change the future of the next generation. This is what Saray Khumalo hopes to achieve when she attempts to break the Guinness World Record by spinning on a bicycle for eight hours this month.

Khumalo, who became the first black African woman to conquer Mount Everest, now wants to raise R1 million to build nine digital libraries across the country.

For Khumalo, taking on the digital space seemed the next logical step.

“Covid-19 has shown us that children can be left behind if they don’t have the tools needed to compete globally. My 15-year-old son is not just competing with children in South Africa, but with kids in other parts of the world who have every technologi­cal advantage,” she said.

Her passion for social change was inspired by her grandfathe­r, whose philosophy was: “A life not lived in service is a life wasted.” And her enduring spirit to overcome adversity is clearly demonstrat­ed in the four attempts it took before she successful­ly summited Mt Everest.

Khumalo first set out to conquer the iconic mountain in 2014. But after just three days of climbing, 16 Sherpas were killed when an avalanche struck, causing the team to abandon their attempt to summit Everest.

She was back on the mountain in 2015, but tragedy struck again. An earthquake in Nepal killed 25 people on the mountain and thousands more on the ground.

In 2017, Khumalo again faced the mighty mountain, and this time she got within 99m of the summit, but again it was not to be.

“I lost consciousn­ess. There was

a problem with my oxygen supply between camp four and the summit. With the oxygen problems and battling winds of 45 to 60km/h, I again had to give up on my dreams. Success for me also means living to climb another day,” she said.

Last year, a determined Khumalo set off once again to battle the mighty Everest, and this time she triumphed.

“My son kept asking me when I was going back to the mountain, and when I heard that no black African woman had ever summited Mount Everest, I gave it another shot.

“It wasn’t about achieving this remarkable feat, but it meant I could raise more money for education.”

Khumalo was able to open five libraries across the country, and she shows no signs of slowing down.

When she’s not climbing the highest mountain in the world, she mentors matric pupils, works as an executive at Momentum and is also a transforma­tion coach.

“The one thing I have learnt is

that we are but a speck in the bigger scheme of things. Being ordinary is a choice, but we are all so uniquely extraordin­ary,” she said.

For her World Guinness Record attempt, Khumalo has partnered with iSchoolAfr­ica, which has been aiming to cross the digital divide since 2009.

Director Michelle Lissoos said she first heard Khumalo speak at a Ted-talk and was instantly inspired.

“I just love Saray. Every time I speak to her, I love her more. I remember I was so nervous to approach her, but when I did and felt her warmth, a bond was formed,” she said.

iSchoolAfr­ica has connection­s with 214 schools nationally. Lissoos said the organisati­on had trained more than 3 000 educators and reached more than 10 000 learners.

Khumalo and her team will go live at 6.30am for the Guinness World Record attempt on October 25.

 ?? Supplied ?? SARAY Khumalo reached the summit of Mount Everest last year on her fourth attempt. She is now attempting to break a Guinness World Record. |
Supplied SARAY Khumalo reached the summit of Mount Everest last year on her fourth attempt. She is now attempting to break a Guinness World Record. |

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