The Mercury

Déjà vu as tobacco industry spread their lies to boost profit

- Aaron Motsoaledi

THE exploitati­on of poverty and unemployme­nt for reactionar­y reasons, which is a strategy that is being employed by some in the tobacco industry, is not new. At the height of apartheid repression, when the progressiv­e forces called for economic sanctions against the racist regime, those who wanted the status-quo to remain argued that sanctions would increase the rate of unemployme­nt and thus harm the poor more as levels of poverty would rapidly increase.

This was just a tactic to prolong the system of apartheid. The plain truth is that this argument was being made by those who were not honest enough to admit that they supported apartheid and wanted the system to remain because it benefited them.

It is déjà vu. The greedy tobacco industry are at it again. They are again spreading lies to the population in their opposition to the proposed amendments to the legislatio­n that will impose stricter conditions designed to limit the harmful effects of tobacco. They are on an over-drive, making all sorts of arguments with the aim of ensuring that their products continue to have devastatin­g effects on the population.

In the early days of the first tobacco laws that were introduced by the then Health minister Dr Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, the tobacco industry threatened that if the law was passed, there would be massive job losses and that soccer teams that received sponsorshi­ps from the industry would collapse. They even approached then president Nelson Mandela, telling him DlaminiZum­a’s planned legislatio­n would collapse the economy. None of the threats happened.

According to a recent report in the Business Day, AgriSA, the Food and Allied Workers Union and the SA Spaza and Tuckshop Associatio­n, the Control of Tobacco Products and Electronic Delivery Bill would devastate South Africa’s agricultur­e and township businesses.

Business Day quoted a joint statement issued by these organisati­on as saying “the bill would put thousands of law-abiding spaza shop owners and hawkers out of business and drive 80% of tobacco sales into the hands of criminals”.

“The bill would end the legal production of cigarettes in South Africa, leading to an estimated 7 000 job losses, and a shutdown of hundreds of farms.”

The argument being made by those opposed to the bill is simply that jobs are more important than lives. This is absurd.

Are we planning these township businesses for corpses? We cannot sustain jobs by selling poison to our people. In fact, this argument is only being made to us because we are an African country. They can’t do this in Europe.

The tobacco companies are deliberate­ly exploiting the legitimate issue of unemployme­nt to advance their business interests. They are using the poor to pursue their own greed and using informatio­n that is devoid of facts to propagate their agenda.

As government, we are acutely aware that certain legislatio­n, even if they mean well, can have a negative socio-economic impact. For this reason, the government has developed the Social Economic Impact Assessment Study that evaluates the impact of any new legislatio­n. We have subjected the proposed amendments to this assessment study and these amendments were given the green light.

Another falsehood that has been created by the tobacco industry is that the government is doing nothing to fight illicit tobacco trade. While the SA Revenue Services has reportedly floundered with regard to the illicit tobacco trade, there is clear evidence the government at the highest level is committed to combating the illicit trade.

We are not the only country that has tobacco legislatio­n. And those who tried to stop legislatio­n that regulated tobacco have never succeeded in their court bids in various countries including the US, the UK, Australia and Ireland.

The tobacco companies know that they have are no credible facts. That is why they run to the poor and vulnerable.

They can easily mislead the poor and make them believe that tobacco sustains jobs, while deliberate­ly hiding the harmful effects of tobacco.

These multinatio­nal tobacco companies would want the poor people to believe it is in the interest of the working class to fight this legislatio­n.

They are pushing a narrative in the minds of our people that health and economic growth are mutually exclusive. No country has been able to grow its economy with a sick population.

You do not need a job when you are dead. Just over 10% of deaths in this country are caused by tobacco related illnesses. In simple language, 42 100 people die in this country every year because of tobacco. Have these people calculated the impact of these premature deaths on the economy and the social devastatio­n these deaths cause to the families of the victims of tobacco?

There are other costs that are often ignored. For example, our hospitals are over-burdened by people who contract tobacco related diseases such as lung cancer. Many of these people have to receive medical care from public health facilities.

Because of our tough stance on the regulation of tobacco, our department has been accused of underminin­g people’s choices in relation to smoking. Of course people are free to choose, but there are figures that should shock all of us as a nation. More than 55 000 young people, aged from 10-14, smoke. From 15 years and older, there are more than 6 million people who smoke daily. Nobody can argue that these children have a full appreciati­on of the health hazard that smoking causes.

They need our collective protection before they take up a habit that has fatal consequenc­es.

To show that we are on the right path, of all the convention­s of the UN, the tobacco convention­s are the most supported.

These companies tried to block the plain packaging of tobacco by approachin­g the World Trade Organisati­on, which was formed to promote fair trade across the globe, but they did not succeed.

According to the World Health Organisati­on, the experience from dozens of countries and the independen­t scientific evidence demonstrat­e that tobacco control is good for the economy.

Tobacco control leads to improved health, lower absenteeis­m and lower health care costs to treat tobacco-related diseases.

There is no evidence that tobacco control increases illicit trade. Measures to control smuggling are described in the United Nations’ Protocol to Eliminate Illicit Trade in Tobacco, which South Africa has signed, and reinforce that comprehens­ive, strong, tobacco control regulation­s do not lead to an increase in illicit trade.

Restaurant­s and small business actually benefit from tobacco control, including smoke free laws.

A 2018 study conducted by the University of Cape Town with 2 000 restaurant­s demonstrat­ed that the majority support the changes promoted by the new bill.

Additional­ly, the study showed that nearly half of all restaurant­s are already smoke free, and have suffered no negative impact.

We will not be derailed on our intent by groups that represent the interests of the tobacco industry and not the interests of South African workers. No costs will be incurred by restaurant­s owners to convert to 100% smoke-free areas

Similarly, small businesses have not suffered undue economic burden from tobacco control measures, although the tobacco industry often uses this argument to oppose tobacco control legislatio­n. It is demonstrat­ed that over time, funds that are not spent on tobacco are spent on other goods.

The WHO recognised the threat of job losses as a well-establishe­d and unproven tobacco industry strategy to oppose legislatio­n.

The Department of Health is aiming at protecting the young people from easy access to cigarettes which in turn negates addiction to smoking.

There is adequate evidence that vaping products are harmful and also promotes smoking behaviour

It is important to remember that all the profit made from the tobacco business are in the hands of a very few private interests.

The small number of South African farmers that grow tobacco, approximat­ely 140, will not be negatively affected by this tobacco control bill.

Tobacco production in South African has been decreasing over the several past decades, by as much as 80%, and over half of the production is for exports.

Farmers are negatively affected by the decisions of corporatio­ns that dictate crop prices and control the market, and as global demand declines, farmers must be supported in finding sustainabl­e alternativ­e livelihood­s.

South Africa’s bill is based on facts and we remain committed to promoting the social and economic developmen­t of the country through the implementa­tion of this bill.

Motsoaledi is the Minister of Health

 ?? PICTURE: REUTERS/AFRICAN NEWS AGENCY (ANA) ?? The tobacco industry is spreading falsehoods in opposition to proposed anti-smoking legislatio­n, says the writer.
PICTURE: REUTERS/AFRICAN NEWS AGENCY (ANA) The tobacco industry is spreading falsehoods in opposition to proposed anti-smoking legislatio­n, says the writer.

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