The Mercury

Are marches really the only way to be heard?

- Nicola Mawson

WHAT will probably be South Africa’s largest public protest in the history of democracy takes place today. Organisers of the protest hope to see millions of South Africans take to the streets to oppose President Jacob Zuma’s recent cabinet reshuffle, which saw nine ministers – including former Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan – axed.

Some companies I’ve heard of have given staff the day off, on condition they supply pictures showing that they were protesting. Others have offered staff the opportunit­y to take leave so they can exercise their right to freedom of associatio­n.

There are also warnings being circulated that people should, as far as possible, ponder staying home just in case things get out of hand and traffic is an absolute nightmare.

Outa – which now styles itself as the Organisati­on Undoing Tax Abuse, having become a broad-based civil society grouping instead of just fighting e-tolls – says this could be “probably the biggest public protest in our new democracy”. It says “millions of citizens are expected to exercise their democratic right to protest against their president’s conduct”. Organisati­ons that have pledged support for the protest action are Save South Africa, Corruption Watch, Treatment Action Campaign, Outa, Lawyers for Human Rights, Section27, Johannesbu­rg Against Injustice and the National Religious Leaders’ Council. The protest has also been endorsed by the South African University Staff Associatio­n, the South African Food Sovereignt­y Campaign, and Co-operative and Policy Alternativ­e Centre.


In Pretoria, various civil organisati­ons under the banner #SaveSouthA­frica have organised a march from Church Square to the Union Buildings at noon, via Madiba Street. The SACP will stage another march from Marabastad in Pretoria at 10am to the National Treasury offices in the city centre. A DA march will take place in Joburg from Westgate Transport Hub to Mary Fitzgerald Square and back. More than 10 000 people are due to attend. It will be taking place from 10am to 1pm and traffic will be diverted.

There will also be a human chain from outside the gates of Parliament down Plein Street, up Adderley and Wale streets until St George’s Cathedral where – at 2pm – a memorial service for the late Ahmed Kathrada will be held.

Later there will be a set-up of Vukani Mzansi tent camp to conduct a 48-hour picket, as well as a cultural programme that will last until Saturday morning between St George’s Cathedral and the Slave Lodge museum. Marches are also set for Durban.

It certainly seems as if a huge amount of preparatio­n has gone into the marches – and South Africans will turn out in force to support the cause, wearing white or South African flag T-shirts.

South Africans certainly have valid concerns. There will be an economic effect, although what that will be exactly remains to be seen.

Last year, our economy grew at a measly 0.3 percent, and it is expected to sneak in at just more than a percent this year.

However, that was before the rand lost 9 percent following the cabinet shuffle, and S&P’s downgradin­g the country on the back of that move.

Moody’s has also indicated that it has South Africa on review, with a potential downgrade possibly being announced today. Banks have also been downgraded by S&P’s, and Moody’s is also reviewing Eskom.

None of this is good news – and we should all take to the streets in protest.

What concerns me is whether we should effectivel­y be bringing SA Inc to a halt on a working day. Having millions of people out of work will further harm our fragile economy, and we can’t afford that.

Africa Check, in its most recent investigat­ion into the costs of strikes, put the best estimate of income lost to the gold sector at R350 million a day. That’s for one sector. I wouldn’t want to hazard a guess at just how much this will cost the economy, although I suspect it will go into billions.

Is a mass protest the only way South Africans can show their displeasur­e? Or is there a way we can be just as vocal – perhaps by taking to social media more – and less harmful to the economy?

I would like to suggest that we rethink how we voice our displeasur­e. What do you think?

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