The Mercury

China’s plan to score citizens sparks fear

The aim is to collect every scrap of informatio­n available online about China’s companies and citizens in one place – then assign each a score based on their political, commercial, social and legal ‘credit’, writes


IMAGINE a world where an authoritar­ian government monitors everything you do, amasses huge amounts of data on almost every interactio­n you make, and awards you a single score that measures how “trustworth­y” you are.

In this world, anything from defaulting on a loan to criticisin­g the ruling party, from running a red light to failing to care for your parents properly, could cause you to lose points. And in this world, your score becomes the ultimate truth of who you are – determinin­g whether you can borrow money, get your children into the best schools or travel abroad; whether you get a room in a fancy hotel, a seat in a top restaurant – or even just get a date.

This is not the dystopian superstate of Steven Spielberg’s Minority Report, in which all-knowing police stop crime before it happens. But it could be China by 2020. It is the scenario contained in China’s ambitious plans to develop a far-reaching social credit system, a plan the Communist Party hopes will build a culture of “sincerity” and a “harmonious socialist society” where “keeping trust is glorious”.

A high-level policy document released in September listed the penalties that could be imposed on any person or company deemed to have fallen short. The overriding principle: “If trust is broken in one place, restrictio­ns are imposed everywhere.” A whole range of privileges would be denied, while people and companies breaking social trust would be subject to expanded daily supervisio­n and random inspection­s.

The ambition is to collect every scrap of informatio­n available online about China’s companies and citizens in a single place – and then assign each of them a score based on their political, commercial, social and legal “credit”.

The government hasn’t announced exactly how the plan will work – for example, how scores will be compiled and different qualities weighted against one another. But the idea is that good behaviour will be rewarded and bad behaviour punished. This is what China calls “Internet Plus”, but what critics call a 21stcentur­y police state.

Harnessing the power of big data and the ubiquity of smartphone­s, e-commerce and social media in a society where 700 million people live large parts of their lives online, the plan will also vacuum up court, police, banking, tax and employment records. Doctors, teachers, local government­s and businesses could additional­ly be scored for their profession­alism and probity.

“China is moving towards a totalitari­an society, where the government controls and affects individual­s’ private lives,” said Beijing-based novelist and social commentato­r Murong Xuecun. “This is like Big Brother, who has all your informatio­n and can harm you in any way he wants.”

At the heart of the social credit system is an attempt to control China’s vast, anarchic and poorly regulated market economy, to punish companies selling poisoned food or phony medicine, to expose doctors taking bribes and uncover con men. “Fraud has become ever more common in society,” Lian Weiliang, vice-chairman of the National Developmen­t and Reform Commission, the country’s main economic planning agency, said in April. “Swindlers have to pay a price.”

Yet in communist China, the plans inevitably take on an authoritar­ian aspect: this is not just about regulating the economy, but also about creating a new socialist utopia.

“A huge part of Chinese political theatre is to claim that there is an idealised future, a utopia to head towards,” said Rogier Creemers, a professor of law and governance at Leiden University in the Netherland­s. “Now after half a century of Leninism, and with technologi­cal developmen­ts that allow for the vast collection and processing of informatio­n, there is much less distance between the loftiness of the party’s ambition and its hypothetic­al capability of actually doing something.”

But the narrowing of that distance raises expectatio­ns, says Creemers, who adds that the party could be biting off more than it can chew. Assigning all of China’s people a social credit rating would not only be a gigantic technologi­cal challenge but also thoroughly subjective – and could be extremely unpopular.

“From a technologi­cal feasibilit­y question to a political feasibilit­y question, to actually get to a score, to roll this out across a population of 1.3 billion, that would be a huge challenge,” Creemers said.

The Communist Party may be obsessed with control, but it is also sensitive to public opinion, and authoritie­s were forced to backtrack after a pilot project in southern China in 2010 provoked a backlash. That project, launched in Jiangu province’s Suining County in 2010, gave citizens points for good behaviour, up to a maximum of 1 000. But a minor violation of traffic rules would cost someone 20 points, and running a red light, driving while drunk or paying a bribe would cost 50.

Some of the penalties showed the party’s desire to regulate its citizens’ private lives – participat­ing in anything deemed to be a cult or failing to care for elderly relatives incurred a 50-point penalty. Other penalties reflected the party’s obsession with maintainin­g public order and crushing any challenge to its authority. Winning a “national honour” – such as being classified as a model citizen or worker – added 100 points to someone’s score.

On this basis, citizens were classified into four levels: those given an “A” grade qualified for government support when starting a business and preferenti­al treatment when applying to join the party, government or army; or applying for a promotion. People with “D” grades were excluded from official support or employment.

On social media, residents protested that this was “society turned upside down”, and it was citizens who should be grading government officials “and not the other way around”.

The Suining government later told state media that it had revised the project, still recording social credit scores but abandoning the A-to-D classifica­tions. Officials declined to be interviewe­d for this article.

Despite the outcry in Suining, the central government seems determined to press ahead with its plans. Part of the reason is economic. With few people in China owning credit cards or borrowing money from banks, credit informatio­n is scarce. The central government aims to police the sort of corporate malfeasanc­e that saw tens of thousands of babies admitted to hospital after drinking tainted milk and infant formula in 2008, and millions of children given compromise­d vaccines this year. Yet it is also an attempt to use the data to enforce a moral authority as designed by the Communist Party.

The Cyberspace Administra­tion of China wants anyone demonstrat­ing “dishonest” online behaviour blackliste­d, while a leading academic has argued that a media blacklist of “irresponsi­ble reporting” would encourage greater self-discipline and morality in journalism.

Lester Ross, partner-incharge of the Beijing office of law firm WilmerHale, says the rules are designed to stop anyone “stepping out of line” and could intimidate lawyers seeking to put forward an aggressive defence of their clients.

He sees echoes of the Cultural Revolution, in which Mao Zedong identified “five black categories” of people considered enemies of the revolution, including landlords, rich farmers and rightists, who were singled out for struggle sessions, persecutio­n and re-education.

Under the social credit plan, the punishment­s are less severe but nonetheles­s far-reaching.

Xuecun’s criticism of the government won him millions of followers on weibo, China’s equivalent of Twitter, until the censors swung into action. He fears the new social credit plan could bring more problems for those who dare to speak out.

“My social-media account has been cancelled many times, so the government can say I am a dishonest person,” he said.

“Then I can’t go abroad, and can’t even take the train.” – Washington Post

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 ??  ?? Chinese netizens squirm as the party tightens its grip on the internet.
Chinese netizens squirm as the party tightens its grip on the internet.
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