The Mercury

Up close and personal…

- Trivia Billy Suter

The three best things that make SA great?

The diversity of our people, our beautiful landscape and our music.

The word or phrase you most overuse? “Um.” One thing about yourself that you’d love to change?

How and where did you celebrate your last birthday? And when is your birthday?

I performed in Durban in Kickstart’s production of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs on my last birthday. It was awesome! The cast had a mini party for me after the show and I got loads of presents. My birthday is on December 4.

Dream holiday? And with whom if it could be a fantasy date?

My dream holiday would be to explore every inch of India with people I know will appreciate it as much as I would. It would not be a fantasy date, but more a spiritual journey.

If you could be an animal what would it be?

I’d be an elephant. They are beautiful, majestic creatures, able to squash you like a fly. I’ve always been fascinated by them. They never forget and have built-in snorkel equipment.

Personalit­ies you most admire – and why?

Amy Poehler and Beyonce Knowles. Poehler is hilarious and a brilliant actress. She has the most accurate comedic timing. Knowles is able to do the most intricate dance sequences and belt out power notes at the same time.

Six things you truly love? And six things you detest?

I love honesty, humility, kindness, laughter, animals and God. I detest lying, stealing, moths, violence, bad breath and boasting.

The funniest thing that ever happened to you?

It involved a moth that flew into my ear and refused to come out. After jumping around the room I eventually pulled it out with tweezers.

Fave actor, actress, author, singer, band and TV show?

Johnny Depp, Emma Stone, Bill Bryson, Marvin Gaye, Queen and Big Bang Theory.

Three things you have to do before you die?

Visit the moon, skydive and win a Grammy Award. What are you reading? Bill Bryson’s Mother Tongue. Your favourite cities? Paris, Goteborg and Cape Town. Paris epitomises romance, Goteborg in Sweden is one of the most technologi­cally advanced cities in the world, and I love their architectu­re. And I love Cape Town because it’s the closest thing to a European city in South Africa.

Five things about yourself that most people don’t know?

I can bend my thumbs all the way back. I love incense. I think that singing offkey is a fun pastime. I drink from one mug only. I eat tuna straight out of the can.

 ??  ?? Rory Booth... can bend his thumbs all the way back, loves incense and eats tuna straight out of the can.
Rory Booth... can bend his thumbs all the way back, loves incense and eats tuna straight out of the can.
 ??  ??

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