The Independent on Saturday


- Barbara Kiselev

If today is your birthday:

Somehow you can ask for the big things, while there are big things. This new year take time to figure things out. For yourself, your career, your love. Somehow you’ll make it. Rise up to the challenges life has thrown at you.

Aries (21 March-20 April)

But it is a good time to consider making some changes. Changes that have been outstandin­g for a long time now. Somehow you can improve your situation. Maybe a good time to reassess where you want to be, where you want to go.

Taurus (21 April-21 May)

Don’t forget what you wanted, in your life, your career, your love life. Now you can consider it all, even if you have to wait a while before you get it. Life has hit the pause button, who says you have too.

Gemini (22 May-21 June)

Now the picture is clear, clearer than it’s ever been. Funny how things happen.Take the time to evaluate and plot the way forward. It will surely all come together. Keep walking, even if you’re standing still.

Cancer (22 June-23 July)

Oh boy! Things are intense! But you have the emotional intelligen­ce to handle whatever life throws at you. This week is time to be sure of yourself. You will prevail, despite everything else. You have what it takes.

Leo (24 July-23 August)

Somehow you’ve kept working, kept driving forward, all while time has stood still. Keep your eye on the goal, even if you won’t get there now. Make it about you, sometimes you have to keep your eye on the prize.

Virgo (24 August-23 September)

Don’t think you don’t have the strength to carry on, to keep meeting your challenges. This week concentrat­e on not only the big things, but the little things that make life special. Let everyone know you are there to help.

Libra (24 September-23 October)

You need to get things straight this week. All your secrets and fears are on your mind. Feels like the world is on your shoulders. All you need to do is face your troubles head on and somehow you can overcome them.

Scorpio (24 October-22 November)

Take your time if the going gets tough, and it is tough. But don’t walk away, you like a good challenge. It’s all about rising up to the situation, and not backing off. And yes you can, you always could.

Sagittariu­s (23 November-21 December)

Now is not the time to give up. In fact give your all. The time is right for progress. It may not feel like it but you can let loose. Make it a step forward not a step backwards.

Capricorn (22 December-20 January)

All you did before, counts now more than ever. You started something, don’t get derailed. It’s all about keeping at it, even if it looks bleak. Somehow there is opportunit­y to be had, it’s there to be grabbed. Grab it!

Aquarius (21 January-19 February)

The outlook is good, bad, happy and sad. Why not take the time to reflect, re-energise, re-engineer. You can try something new, there is nothing to lose and everything to gain. Re-write your story and change the outcomes.

Pisces (20 February-20 March)

Somehow you need to work on things, for everything you want out of life. And yes, you can ask for more, you are worth it. Go ahead, fight for it. This week asks a lot, but you have lots to give.

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