The Herald (South Africa)

Man gunned down during simple trip to the shop


A Kariega mother’s world was shattered in an instant when she sent her son to the shop to buy a bag of potatoes, only for him to be gunned down.

Ivy Michaels said she was now also struggling with “survivor’s guilt” as she had asked the 26-year-old to go to the shop yesterday — something she now wished she never had.

As Elvinco, a father of a baby, made his way home with the R20 bag of potatoes, his mother heard three loud gunshots.

Rushing to the gate of her Jones Street home, the 49year-old’s worst fears were confirmed.

There, she found her son lying in a pool of his own blood, just two houses away.

Desperate, she cried out for help and prayed as she cradled his lifeless body.

Police spokespers­on Captain Sandra Janse van Rensburg said the incident occurred at about 10.45am.

“Kamesh police are investigat­ing a case of murder,” she said.

“Police responded to a complaint of a shooting and on arrival, found the body of a 26-year-old man with multiple gunshot wounds.

“The motive for the shooting is unknown, and the investigat­ion is ongoing.”

Speaking from her home yesterday, Michaels expressed her devastatio­n.

“We were in the house this [yesterday] morning and I asked him to go to the shop to buy a bag of potatoes,” she said.

“He then asked why he should go again, since he had just come from the shop, and I begged him to go.

“On his way home, I suppose, I just heard these three loud gunshots.

“I ran to the gate of my yard and saw him lying in so much blood.”

Michaels said she immediatel­y ran over to Elvinco.

“I screamed, I shouted, I said ‘Lord, please’.

“I prayed to Jesus to help him, to keep my eldest child alive.

“But as I prayed, his eyes started closing.”

She described him as a modest young man who would give his last cent to someone in need.

“He was someone who loved Jesus. He was a special child.”

She said what made the situation more tragic was that his baby would turn one month old today — a milestone he would now miss.

“I never should have sent him to the shop, I should have gone myself.

“I feel guilty.”

His father, Hans, 57, was too distraught to speak and broke down, sobbing.

Outside, community members mopped up the blood from the driveway.

Neighbours said they were scared and in a state of shock.

 ?? Picture: FREDLIN ADRIAAN ?? TRAGIC DEATH: Hans Michaels and his wife, Ivy, console each other after the murder of their son yesterday
Picture: FREDLIN ADRIAAN TRAGIC DEATH: Hans Michaels and his wife, Ivy, console each other after the murder of their son yesterday
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