The Herald (South Africa)

Eulogising saints and sinners

- Malcolm Dodds, Gqeberha

It was interestin­g to read recently the comments relating to the late Prince Philip.

Malaika wa Afrika came in for a bit of what I consider well-deserved stick for basing her views of Prince Philip’s racism on her ignorance of the use of the term “natives” in the British context.

Chirper Mike, I hope that we will not see the word “native” become a new politicall­y incorrect word also beginning with the letter N.

But this aside, Chirper Wannabe also makes the point using the quote from Shakespear­e’s Julius Caesar where Mark Anthony states, “The evil that men do lives after them while the good is oft interred with their bones”.

It is obvious that Julius Caesar’s eulogy has no place in the education of the ANC, where they choose the opposite path, that is, the good that men do lives after them and the evil is oft interred with their bones.

How do they explain that every funeral of an ANC cadre or comrade is filled with speeches about what a flawless and sinless person the late departed was?

Winnie Madikizela-Mandela’s funeral was conspicuou­s by its failure to mention the death of Stompie Seipei.

Manto Tshabalala-Msimang also received a clean send-off without any mention of her Aids denialism which cost many people their lives, but in fairness she did stimulate the market for garlic and beetroot.

There are other examples of politician­s receiving obituaries which, if we lived in Rome, would have the papal authoritie­s oversubscr­ibed with calls for canonisati­on.

One wonders if, when Thabo Mbeki passes on, his co-conspiracy with Dr Beetroot, costing thousands of Aids sufferers their lives, will be mentioned at his funeral?

Will Thandi Modise’s poor pig farming skills leading to the cruel death of many animals be raised?

Carl Niehaus’s send-off should be interestin­g.

The service may yet be attended by some of the family members he “killed off” to benefit from insurance policies or a trip to Mauritius.

Some might even ask for an open coffin funeral to make sure he is not faking his own death to get insurance.

But the most interestin­g of all is going to be that of the Nkandla crooner, JZ himself.

How is he going to be eulogised? Alleged sex pest, evader of the law, bosom buddies with the Guptas?

There may be many more, but you can bet none of these will be raised.

He will be a saint who suffered persecutio­n, a misunderst­ood man and a hero of the nation.

Watch this space. The ANC never disappoint­s.


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