The Herald (South Africa)

Keep schools open for sake of the pupils

- Name withheld, Port Elizabeth

I am reading with great frustratio­n reports of pressure to close schools again. I can find petitions to sign for closure, but how do I sign for my support to keep schools open?

I am disappoint­ed that, considerin­g all the things one can be working for these days, that is what Mmusi Maimane is focusing on.

I am grateful for the schools my children attend, for the diligence and tenacity of the principals and teachers.

There have been infections, but all through pupils visiting each other after school.

I have no doubt infections can and do happen within schools too, but it is more likely that, when schools are closed, kids try every way possible to anyway see each other — then without masks on.

I have seen this firsthand in situations around me as well as in a township community where I help some teenagers.

Many times I have seen those kids hanging out together as if life was normal. No social distancing and no masks.

The virus is spreading through children regardless of schools being open or not.

What I find even harder to understand is that some oppose schools being open, but they have no problem with their children or themselves socially being together.

At least when children are in school, there can be some control and their desire for social interactio­n is satisfied.

I have appreciate­d the advice given to minister] Angie Motshekga that, when children are not in school, they lose the desire to learn. Even when data is available, many don’t have discipline to do so, without accountabi­lity.

I’m afraid the consequenc­es of children not in school will be worse than the effect of the virus, as sad and traumatic as that is.

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