The Herald (South Africa)

Kenya divisions on display

Two killed in bloody protests as Kenyatta sworn in amid opposition leader’s inaugurati­on vow

- Fran Blandy

KENYAN President Uhuru Kenyatta was sworn in yesterday for a second term, but his vow to heal the country’s divisions was overshadow­ed by bloody protests and a pledge from his rival to stage his own inaugurati­on.

Kenya’s schisms after a gruelling election period were on full display on the very first day of Kenyatta’s second fiveyear term.

The pomp of his inaugurati­on ceremony contrasted with clouds of teargas fired at opposition leader Raila Odinga and his supporters as they attempted to rally elsewhere in Nairobi.

At least two people were shot dead in clashes with police.

Throwing down the gauntlet, Odinga rejected Kenyatta’s inaugurati­on and vowed to hold his own swearing-in on December 12, the day the country marks its independen­ce from Britain.

“I will be sworn in because I am the legitimate president,” he said.

Odinga’s supporters engaged in running battles with police all morning as they attempted to gather for a memorial rally to honour nearly 60 people killed, mostly by police, in more than four months of political upheaval.

A senior police officer who earlier reported one fatality said: “We are aware there is another person dead and it has been said that he was also shot dead.”

Another policeman said six people had been injured by gunfire.

Odinga spoke briefly to a crowd of hundreds from atop his car before police lobbed teargas at the convoy, forcing them to disperse.

Meanwhile, at the 60 000-seat Kasarani Stadium, military parades, a 21-gun salute, traditiona­l dancing and drumming accompanie­d Kenyatta’s vows to heal the wounded nation.

“I will devote my time and energy to build bridges, to unite and bring prosperity,” he said.

He started his second term faced with a large portion of the population that rejects his election outright. Kenyatta urged the nation to focus on building the economy rather than dwell on divisive politics.

“No one eats politics. For the last 50 years, we have watched as the Asian economies have risen to wealth, while much of Africa has stagnated.

“The difference is that they used politics to create vibrant economies for their people,” he said.

“In our case, we have pursued politics as an end in itself, rather than as a means to economic prosperity. This must end.”

Kenyatta and his deputy, William Ruto, took the oaths of office before several African heads of state, including from South Sudan, Uganda, Rwanda, Zambia, Somalia, Gabon, Botswana and Ethiopia.

Prime ministers, foreign ministers and special envoys represente­d other African nations, as well as Qatar, Serbia, Ukraine and the United Arab Emirates.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, while placed on top of the Kenyan government’s guest list, did not attend the ceremony, but had a number of meetings with African leaders scheduled during his visit.

The swearing-in ceremony also got a large dose of teargas as crowds tried to force their way into the packed stadium, with police on horseback struggling to keep them under control.

The inaugurati­on came after the Supreme Court validated Kenyatta’s victory in last month’s rerun poll.

But analysts say the swearing-in may not draw a line under Kenya’s political crisis, given Odinga’s vow to fight on.

The NASA coalition has described the inaugurati­on as a despotic coronation.

The electoral strife goes back to an August 8 poll that was annulled in September by the Supreme Court, citing irregulari­ties and illegaliti­es.

The court ordered a rerun last month that was boycotted by the opposition, handing Kenyatta a landslide of 98% of votes cast by just 39% of the electorate.

The disputed election season has split the country along ethnic and regional lines. However, the deaths of about 58 people – mostly at the hands of police – has not reached the scale of the bloody aftermath of elections in 2007, when 1 100 were killed in politicall­y motivated tribal violence.

Odinga, 72, finds himself denied the presidency for the fourth and probably last time in his long career.

His calls for protests and economic boycotts have now turned to plans to swear himself in, comparing himself to Zimbabwe’s Emmerson Mnangagwa, who was sworn in after Robert Mugabe was forced out.

The crisis draws on a deep well of social, ethnic and geographic grievances in the country of 48 million people.

In areas loyal to Odinga, an ethnic Luo, there is a sense of having been ground down and discrimina­ted against since independen­ce, not least by Kenyatta’s Kikuyu group, which has given Kenya three of its four presidents.

Months of disruption and unrest, plus the holding of two separate elections, have badly affected the economy, hitting the poorest hardest while leaving the wealthy political elites relatively unharmed.

 ?? Picture: AFP/ YASUYOSHI CHIBA ?? PROMISE TO SERVE: Kenya's President Uhuru Kenyatta arrives for his inaugurati­on
Picture: AFP/ YASUYOSHI CHIBA PROMISE TO SERVE: Kenya's President Uhuru Kenyatta arrives for his inaugurati­on
 ?? Picture: REUTERS/ THOMAS MUKOYA ?? DEFIANT STANCE: Raila Odinga greets his supporters in Nairobi
Picture: REUTERS/ THOMAS MUKOYA DEFIANT STANCE: Raila Odinga greets his supporters in Nairobi

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