The Herald (South Africa)

Pensioner, 78, gets beating over porn

- Adam Boult

A FURIOUS 70-year-old pensioner beat her husband with a meat-tenderisin­g hammer after catching him watching porn

Lynda Holmes hit husband Gordon, 78, several times over the head after catching him at their home in Oswaldtwis­tle, Lancashire. The couple have been married for 50 years.

She told the police: “I caught him with porn. He tried to get rid of it. I saw red and attacked him. I wanted to kill him.

“It should be murder. I want 10 years of my life back. I saw red mist.

“He hasn’t touched me for more than 10 years and now he’s watching porn. How dare he? How do I go about getting 10 years of my life back?” She pleaded guilty to grievous bodily harm. Rachel Woods, defending, described the attack as a moment of madness, telling the court: “Although Mr Holmes was upstairs seemingly seeing to some unwanted paperwork, it seems Mrs Holmes suspected he was potentiall­y destroying evidence of his behaviour.

“That’s what sparked off an offence which was totally out of character and no doubt came as a great shock and surprise to Mr Holmes.

“They met when she was 15 years old and married five years later. They would have, had they been allowed contact since the offence, celebrated their golden wedding anniversar­y.”

Holmes was given a 10-month suspended jail sentence. – The Telegraph

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