The Citizen (KZN)

2 000 Gaza kids lose legs

TRAGEDY: SHORTAGE OF DRUGS FORCES MEDICS TO AMPUTATE LIMBS Treatment might have been different with more resources.


There is little Gaza’s doctors can do to alleviate the pain that threeyear-old Suhaib Khuzaiq still feels from a shrapnel injury that caused his leg to be amputated above the knee in December.

“He is in pain and in need of painkiller­s and a prosthetic limb that is only available outside Gaza,” his father Ali Khuzaiq, 31, said from Gaza City’s Al-Ahli hospital, where Suhaib is treated.

On 6 December, an Israeli air strike on their neighbourh­ood of Tal Al-Hawa, southwest of Gaza City, injured Suhaib and destroyed their home, Khuzaiq said.

The war and Israel’s blockade have caused a shortage of medicines and destroyed much of Gaza’s medical capacity.

As a result, amputation­s have become a way of handling injuries that in other circumstan­ces might have been treated differentl­y, causing their number to soar further.

Citing data from UN Children’s Fund (Unicef), the chief for Palestinia­n refugees said this week that in Gaza “every day 10 children... are losing one leg or two on average”, adding that it meant “around 2 000 children” had lost legs since the start of the war.

Unicef spokespers­on Jonathan Crickx later said that difficulti­es in gathering data in a war zone meant the figures were only “estimates” that would take time to verify, but that the agency “has

met many children who have lost limbs”.

Mahmoud Basal, a spokespers­on for Gaza’s Civil Defence agency, said the estimate seemed realistic, because “as the civil defence crews work in the field, with every strike they recover children, many of whom lose either legs or arms, sometimes requiring amputation­s at high points on the limb”.

Medical sources said that amputation­s are often the only available option. “There are moments when anaesthesi­a is not available, but to save the lives of citizens, we resort to amputation and this

causes severe pain for the wounded,” Dr Maher, a surgeon at AlAhli hospital, said.

“Every day, there are attacks that result in amputation­s of legs or arms for children, adults, and women.”

In May, non-profit Save The Children said that “thousands of child amputees and injured children are struggling to recover without adequate pain relief and devices like wheelchair­s”.

Proper prostheses are in short supply in the Gaza Strip, which is subject to a tight blockade that does not automatica­lly allow medical equipment and medi

cines to enter the territory.

Marwa Abu Zaida, 40, and her eight-year-old son Nasser Abu Drabi hope to travel abroad to get treatment and prostheses.

Her leg and his arm were amputated after they were injured in an Israeli strike in the northern Gaza town of Beit Lahia.

Medical evacuation­s are needed but are rare in Gaza, including for other patients such as those in need of cancer treatment, said Bashar Murad of the Palestinia­n Red Crescent in Gaza.

“The health sector has collapsed entirely in Gaza,” Murad added. –

 ?? Picture: AFP ?? REMEMBERIN­G. Families of victims and survivors of the 7 October attack on the Nova concert in southern Israel attend a memorial concert in Tel Aviv on Thursday.
Picture: AFP REMEMBERIN­G. Families of victims and survivors of the 7 October attack on the Nova concert in southern Israel attend a memorial concert in Tel Aviv on Thursday.

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