The Citizen (KZN)

Moving the goalposts: NFL scare reveals conspiracy playbook


Washington – Conspiracy theorists who blamed NFL player Damar Hamlin’s cardiac arrest on Covid vaccines have doubled down on their claims, despite his speedy recovery, insisting he secretly died in an elaborate cover-up involving deepfake videos and other deceptive means.

On 22 January, less than a month after the 24-year-old Buffalo Bills safety collapsed during a game against the Cincinnati Bengals, Hamlin watched the teams’ rematch from a stadium suite, with fans cheering his return to the public eye.

But across the internet, anti-vaccine activists and disinforme­rs homed in on blurry footage, distant camera angles and a mask Hamlin wore.

Their new narrative insisted Hamlin had died from his Covid shots and a clone, body double or actor had replaced him to conceal “the truth”.

“I still have not seen any proof Damar Hamlin is alive,” far-right radio host Stew Peters wrote three days later on Telegram, demanding that Hamlin “cut a video” to prove he was alive.

When Hamlin posted a video days later, Peters and others suggested the clip was a deepfake created with artificial intelligen­ce.

They argued Hamlin’s ears looked awry, tattoos appeared missing and movements seemed jittery. Their refusal to accept Hamlin’s apparent recovery demonstrat­es how those steeped in conspiracy theories often move the goalposts when confronted with informatio­n debunking their claims.

“One of the things about conspiraci­es that makes them so resilient is that the supposed ‘evidence’ that supports them is constantly changing,” Gordon Pennycook, a behavioura­l scientist at the University of Regina in Canada, told AFP.

“The beliefs are often not actually rooted in evidence, but instead are formed by dodging evidence,” he added.

The far-fetched claims borrow from the playbook of other deep-set conspiracy theories, such as QAnon, which has gone global since the first posts by a fringe forum user known as “Q” in 2017.

That movement has thrived despite its biggest prediction­s – chief among them the imminent arrest of former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton – never coming true, with QAnon promoters recasting each disappoint­ment as part of “the plan”.

Far-right influencer­s have made similar adjustment­s around recent US events, such as the attack on then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband in late October.

After demanding footage of the break-in to prove it happened as police described, they distorted what the video showed to continue claiming Paul Pelosi was caught in a lovers’ quarrel.

“People in these communitie­s will spend hours examining photos and videos, pointing out what they believe are inconsiste­ncies or signs of deception,” said Caroline Orr Bueno, postdoctor­al research associate at the University of Maryland. –

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