The Citizen (KZN)

Iran leader at mercy of lawmakers

- Tehran

– Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani is clinging to power but finds himself under attack from all sides – conservati­ves, reformists and the street – as he prepares for a grilling in parliament today.

The US withdrawal from the 2015 nuclear deal between Tehran and world powers and Washington’s reimpositi­on of sanctions have already battered the Iranian economy, and critics say it has exposed the failures of Rouhani’s five years in power.

For the first time, lawmakers have summoned him to parliament to face questions over the collapsing value of the currency, over stubbornly high unemployme­nt and corruption. They have already impeached his labour and economy ministers this month, and are seeking further scalps.

Lawmakers have the power to impeach Rouhani himself, though he is protected by the fact that the supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said he should see out his term to 2021, despite his own harsh criticisms of the president.

Despite his dim prospects, Rouhani still has the backing of moderate conservati­ves, including powerful parliament speaker Ali Larijani. But many in the hardline establishm­ent opposed his negotiatio­ns with the West and feel vindicated by the unravellin­g of the nuclear deal.

They have led the charge against Rouhani’s Cabinet, and yesterday were seeking enough votes for impeachmen­t proceeding­s against his industry and transporta­tion ministers. – AFP

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