The Citizen (KZN)

Cops net escaped Iraqi rape suspect

FAILED ASYLUM-SEEKER: ARRESTED AFTER FLEEING GERMANY German authoritie­s hunt down man wanted for murder of teen after outcry.

- Berlin

Afailed Iraqi asylum-seeker suspected of raping and murdering a teenage girl in Germany was arrested in Iraq overnight, German authoritie­s said yesterday, after his escape sparked outrage and raised questions over immigratio­n and police failings.

Ali Bashar, 20, who is believed to have strangled 14-year-old Susanna Maria Feldman after sexually assaulting her, was “arrested by Kurdish authoritie­s in northern Iraq at the request of German federal police”, said German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer.

The arrest came after an outcry in Germany as police hunting the fugitive admitted that Bashar had fled with his family.

They managed to fly out of Duesseldor­f airport even though the names on their identity documents did not match those on their airline tickets, said police, adding that their identity was only checked against the photos on the papers.

Bashar also turned out to have chalked up a long police record over less than three years in Germany and should have been expelled months ago.

“The government should beg for forgivenes­s from Susanna’s parents,” said the daily Bild.

“The only thing that is worse than the murder of a child is the murder of a child by a criminal who should not have been in our country.

“Crimes like these are explosive for our society because they are the bitter proof that this country does not have sufficient control over who is residing within our borders.”

Newspaper Zeitung Frankfurte­r Allgemeine noted that “these cases seem to be adding up”.

“It is time to wonder how far the credibilit­y of the government is being undermined when it is surrounded by so many absurditie­s,” added the daily.

Revealing that Feldman and her mother were members of the Jewish community, the Central Council of Jews in Germany urged a “swift and comprehens­ive” probe into the case as well as tough consequenc­es for the perpetrato­r.

The case puts renewed pressure on Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government over the decision to open Germany’s borders at the height of Europe’s refugee crisis in 2015, which led to the arrival of more than a million asylum seekers over two years.

Bashar should have been deported after his request for asylum was rejected in December 2016, but he obtained a temporary residence permit pending his appeal. – AFP

The government should beg for forgivenes­s

 ?? Picture: Reuters ?? Residents pause during a search at an area affected by the eruption of Fuego volcano in San Miguel Los Lotes in Escuintla, Guatemala, on Thursday.
Picture: Reuters Residents pause during a search at an area affected by the eruption of Fuego volcano in San Miguel Los Lotes in Escuintla, Guatemala, on Thursday.

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