The Citizen (Gauteng)




1. Old parish priest is wearing French frills like a dandy (7)

5. Crikey! A student’s brought in protective footwear (6)

9. Liar managed on line to trap victor in competitio­n (7)

10. Letter good person kept in

English stately home (7)

11. Conflict’s bitter after

reversal (3)

12. Data storage unit once

beat Jack perhaps (7,4)

13. Yankees collect old very

big playthings (2-3)

14. Uni student stops applauding regular event for women (9)

16. Grinding gears tend to

become separated (9)

17. Big Apple mayors do this, not firm (5)

19. What happens in Coop makes very little money (7,4)

22. Possess feathers, drop

ping 500 from top (3)

23. Good skills control reasonable racing vehicles (2-5)

24. Bright American doctor’s

brought in fast (7)

26. It’s more idiotic or madder

to avoid society (6)

27. Can use a keyboard to

produce old picture (7)


1. Remote old physicist swaps diamonds for whiskey (7)

2. Poor stupid Ricky over spent touring Thailand (7-8)

3. The Italian left feeling

unwell (3)

4. Amazingly handy barman?


5. It could be dry enough for

animal chasing hare (9)

6. Landowner’s den at the back of beyond (5)

7. Tom indicates you must be trained for TV show (9,6) 8. Dull impasse without end (6)

12. Italian course, tense one (5)

14. One who arranges ring next to other ear-rings (9) 15. Bitter, very dry, cold inside (5)

16. Confine, say, rash tipping


18. Zane Grey worked around Texas initially, not on river (7)

20. Algerian city following

king’s holy book (5)

21. Send up story about Char

lie’s brilliant display (5)

25. Chief dispenses with inter

national crew (3)

 ?? ??

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