The Citizen (Gauteng)

Robots that swim


Hayward – Darting around the pool as swimmers stand in the shallow end, the dolphin looks much like those that perform acrobatics at theme parks. But this marine creature is a robot.

“When I first saw the dolphin, I thought it could be real,” said a woman who swam with the remote-controlled creature.

Edge Innovation­s, a US engineerin­g company with an animatroni­c and special effects division in California, designed the dolphin for an educationa­l pilot programme. It hopes that life-like animatroni­cs used in movies could one day entertain crowds at theme parks, instead of wild animals held in captivity.

“There are like 3 000 dolphins in captivity being used to generate several billions of dollars just for dolphin experience­s. So there’s an appetite to love and learn about dolphins,” said Edge Innovation­s founder and CEO Walt Conti. “We want to offer different ways to fall in love with the dolphin.”

Roger Holzberg, creative director of Edge’s animatroni­c programme, added: “The idea is really to create a kind of Sesame Street under water. Those characters taught a generation how to feel about different aspects of humankind in ways that had never been imagined before. That’s what we dream of with this.”

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