The Citizen (Gauteng)

Best of both worlds


- Kgosi Modisane

Fit, strong Krunch Time presenter now has a balanced lifestyle.

Wired for sound and fanatical, YFM’s Krunch Time lunch show host Khutso Theledi, 28, is more than just a pretty face. The Mpumalanga-born radio jock has made a name for herself among her peers as her sultry toned voice blazes across the airwaves.

However, this vibrant young soul has strenghten­ed her brand by venturing into a partnershi­p with health and lifestyle supplement company Slender You. Proving that having muscle as a woman can also be sexy, Theledi enjoys working out and promoting a balanced lifestyle which encompasse­s both diet, being social and staying lean and trim.

1. Have you always been so clued up about fitness and living healthy?

I haven’t always been clued up on being healthy and having a regular fitness regime, although I have admired those who are dedicated and consistent with their routine. I recently decided to take my health seriously by working out and eating the right food. Because of my busy lifestyle, I didn’t make the right choices when it came to food preparatio­n by eating a lot of fast-food and taking years learning how to cook and cook right. I am constantly inspired by those around me and have learnt a lot on how to prepare healthy, nutritious food by asking advice from personal trainers on how to get started.

What kick-started it for me with regards to running was when I noticed people using applicatio­ns that measured their distance and the commitment that came with that. To be honest, I became really envious and thought this should be easy to do. Little did I know it was really tough to get going but what you fear might be what you were born for.

2. What is your fitness routine and how does it tie in with your career as a daytime Radio DJ?

My first week of training was really demanding, but not demanding enough to cause any injuries. I cannot thank my per- sonal trainer at the time, Zinhle Masango, enough for preparing me mentally and physically for the challenge ahead. So my fitness routine includes a 3-5km run three times a week, this is my favourite part of living healthy.

It helps me to clear my mind and really block out any unnecessar­y worries with regards to the week ahead and helps me create a tunnel vision of what needs to be done before I get back into the love of my life – radio.

At the gym, I focus on different exercises like crunches for my abs because it’s always Crunch Time. Full body training, and not forgetting the importance of taking a day off or rest between each workout to allow my body to recover. “I will also split my days and focus on my upper body, next day lower body. One thing I really enjoy is my cardio workouts at home without any equipment. And yes, I take it old school with my Billy Blanks Tae Bo cardio DVDs. And finally my love for squeezing in netball and tennis during weekends top it all off.

3. Challenges (tough workouts, or food you have had to cut out) you faced/face while living the lifestyle?

The biggest challenge I’ve faced has definitely been learning how to be patient and not depending on instant gratificat­ion with regards to my results and how I look physically.

Eating healthy is no joke, from being that regular drive thru girl, to buying healthy cookbooks and being the girl people ask at the grocery store whether I need more junk in my trolley and not more junk in the trunk.

Temptation was my biggest weakness. I’m a sucker for anything sweet, like cream soda, and lover of food with tomato sauce.

I’ve had to learn how to cut out a lot of bad foods I wasn’t taking note of. It’s reached a point where I read the label on every product I buy to understand what I’m taking in and balancing that out with my workout routine.

4. What is your 2018 fitness goal? Going into 2018, I’ve realised that your fitness is 100% mental. Your body won’t go where your mind doesn’t push it and that’s been a big lesson for me. You get what you give, and you attract what you are and taking good care of my mind, body and soul is my #2018Fitnes­sGoal.

I want to keep doing what I’m doing, build on whatever I may need to build on, so my future self can thank me later and like they say: “The difference between try and triumph is a little umph.”

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 ??  ?? One thing I really enjoy is my at-home cardio workouts without any equipment
One thing I really enjoy is my at-home cardio workouts without any equipment
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