The Citizen (Gauteng)

Singapore nepotism feud


Singapore – Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong yesterday rejected claims from his siblings that he abused power and engaged in nepotism as he faced parliament over a family feud that has shocked Singapore.

Lee and the two younger children of Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore’s founding leader, have since last month been waging a bitter war of words on social media over their revered father’s legacy, an unpreceden­ted spectacle in a nation long used to censorship and libel suits against critics of the family.

“Their allegation­s are entirely baseless,” Lee told parliament.

His sister, Wei Ling, and brother Hsien Yang, accuse the premier of exploiting their father’s legacy for his own political agenda, and seeking to groom his son to one day become the city-state’s leader.

It is an escalation of a feud over what to do with a family home that has simmered since the death in March 2015 of the elder Lee, who ruled Singapore with an iron fist but transforme­d it into one of the world’s wealthiest states.

The prime minister called for an open debate in parliament after the attacks on Facebook against him and his wife, Ho Ching, who heads state investment fund Temasek Holdings.

Lee, who had earlier apologised to the nation for the open squabbling and admitted it had damaged Singapore’s reputation, firmly rejected the claims in a statement to the legislatur­e.

He said the allegation­s “have already damaged Singapore’s reputation”.

“Unrebutted, they can affect Singaporea­ns’ confidence in the government.”

He added that Singaporea­ns were “tired of the subject, and wish it would end. I too am upset that things have reached this state,” said Lee.

At the centre of the dispute is the house, which the patriarch wanted destroyed after he passed away to prevent the creation of a personalit­y cult.

The siblings said the prime minister was attempting to block the house’s demolition to exploit their father’s legacy, including grooming his own son to be a third-generation leader – a charge Lee and his wife denied.

The Lees are the closest thing Singapore has to royalty, dominating the now wealthy island’s politics for nearly six decades.

The patriarch served as prime minister from 1959 to 1990, and the current leader has been in power since 2004.

The city-state has had only one other prime minister, Goh Chok Tong. – AFP

The allegation­s have already damaged Singapore’s reputation.

Lee Hsien Loong, Prime Minister of Singapore

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