The Citizen (Gauteng)

What once you have your land, Julius?


So Julius Malema, pictured, the staunch supporter of Bob Mugabe’s devastatin­g land reform policy, is encouragin­g blacks to “where you see beautiful land take it, because it belongs to you”.

Yeah, right! Some people just never learn. History must be made compulsory at all schools. Black land grabbing was just as rife in the days of the “Dutch gangsters” – just ask the Khoisan.

So Julius, 100-200 “landless” people occupy a piece of rural land they fancy, build their shacks on it, with no running water, no sanitation, no electricit­y, no nearby towns, no transport, no schools, no income, but their dignity is restored and they have land.

Now what? Do they just squat or start farming?

If the latter, will the EFF and BLF pay for the farm implements, fuel, fertilizer, seeds, cattle, goats, chickens, food etc, as well as pay them for their labour for the first three-five years?

Where will the farming expertise come from? Who will be in charge and who will do the work? This has caused great problems on redistribu­ted farms – everybody wants to be the chief and nobody wants to work.

The same will happen in taking over well-run commercial farms. This has been the case where productive farms have become wastelands or returned to their previous owners.

Why can’t emerging black farmers, with the help of government, not start their own farms? Too much like hard work?

The everything for “mahala” concept. John, Germiston

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