Talk of the Town



Theft of copper pipe is continuing unabated in Port Alfred.

In the MultiSecur­ity reports this week, Multi Save One Price Store in Masonic Street was the latest target.

A police officer on patrol noticed water leaking from the premises during the early hours of Wednesday morning and said it looked like pipes had been stolen.

The MultiSecur­ity control room informed the owner, who came to the scene.

About 3m of pipe had been stolen. The client did not open a case.

A few hours later, police also noticed water leaking at The Links accommodat­ion establishm­ent.

MultiSecur­ity informed the owner, who asked armed response to close the stop cock and said she would sort out the problem later in the morning. A MultiSecur­ity response officer also noticed water leaking at the neighbouri­ng Kwena Air and said a pipe had been ripped out at the geyser.

The owner was informed and MultiSecur­ity closed the stop cock.

A house in Henry Street was also targeted by copper thieves on Tuesday morning.

A MultiSecur­ity officer responded to a report of a theft in progress and found the padlock on a gate had been broken off and about 3m of copper pipe had been stolen.

A call to the client revealed the theft had already been reported by a rental agent the day before, when water was running because of the missing pipes.

Some pipe remained on the property after the first theft, and thieves struck again.

The SAPS also attended the scene and a case was opened.

Last Thursday night, copper pipes were stolen from the Port Alfred Country Club.

MultiSecur­ity spoke to club manager James Fox and reported that about 12m of copper pipes had been stolen from the back of the premises. A case was opened.

• A call from a sharp-eyed resident resulted in the arrest of a man who allegedly stole a water pipe valve worth R4,000 from Built it on Tuesday afternoon.

The resident was suspicious when he saw the man carrying the new valve and called MultiSecur­ity, who apprehende­d the man and handed him over to the police.

• A thief stole a wetsuit from a home in Alfred Road on Monday.

Police and MultiSecur­ity attended. The client alleged that the thief had jumped over a gate and taken the wetsuit, which was drying on the steps, then fled.

Police and MultiSecur­ity patrolled the area but could not find the man.

• A flat in Wesley Hill was broken into on Monday night. MultiSecur­ity and police attended the scene. The burglar(s) had gained entry by removing burglar bars at the bathroom window and stole two cellphones (a Blackberry and Samsung), a knife, hair clippers, meat, a pair of black takkies and a bead box. The alarm was not on.

• Nemato SPAR in Biscay Road called for armed response early last Friday morning after one of their fat traps was vandalised.

The incident was caught on security camera. Police and MultiSecur­ity responded and within a couple of hours, caught the alleged vandal in Main Street.

A case was opened.

• Three drunk students from out of town were arrested for allegedly trespassin­g at the Ferryman’s Hotel in the early hours of Saturday morning.

Dudley Waters of Panther Security was first on the scene and asked MultiSecur­ity for backup. Police also attended.

MultiSecur­ity reported that the three intoxicate­d men allegedly forced their way into the hotel, the site of a recent case of arson.

They were found asleep on the premises.

• Three fishing rods were stolen from the back of a bakkie parked at the Port Alfred Ski-boat Club on Saturday night.

• A home in Station Hill was broken into on Sunday morning.

MultiSecur­ity responded to an alarm and reported that a security gate and window were broken, and the alarm keypad had been ripped from the wall.

Police also attended. Among the stolen items were a toaster, microwave, toilet paper, an extension cord and adaptors.

The suspected thief was caught later.

 ?? Picture: JON HOUZET ?? KEY OF LIFE: Terry Arnoldus, popular barmaid at Kenny’s, celebrated her 21st birthday with friends, co-workers and patrons on April 30
Picture: JON HOUZET KEY OF LIFE: Terry Arnoldus, popular barmaid at Kenny’s, celebrated her 21st birthday with friends, co-workers and patrons on April 30

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