Sunday World (South Africa)

Mpumalanga unveils its own Tintswalo figures

Premier’s youth fund has made R258m available

- By Staff Writer

Nearly 200 young people in Mpumalanga have managed to start businesses with the assistance of funds from the Provincial Government.

On Friday, Premier Refilwe Mtshweni-tsipane introduced four of the many young people who benefited from the Premier’s Youth Developmen­t Fund.

This fund has seen 182 young entreprene­urs receive funds worth R258-million, resulting in the creation of more than 630 jobs in sectors such as agricultur­e, mining, film production and manufactur­ing.

The Mpumalanga government’s focus on job creation is evident in its commitment to supporting local businesses and entreprene­urs. Initiative­s like the Premier’s Youth Developmen­t Fund have provided crucial funding to youth-owned enterprise­s, enabling them to grow and create employment opportunit­ies.

“These entreprene­urs have the potential to become pioneers in their chosen industries that play a key role in our economy and have demonstrat­ed exceptiona­l dedication and talent in their respective fields. As highlighte­d in a recent speech by President Cyril Ramaphosa, these young entreprene­urs serve as perfect examples of the empowermen­t programmes offered by the government,” said Premier Mtshweni-tsipane. “We are proud to see these young entreprene­urs flourishin­g and making a meaningful contributi­on to our economy and society. Their achievemen­ts are evidence of the power of investing in our youth and nurturing their potential to drive positive change and innovation in our community.”

Let Tintswalo Stand Up

Poppy Eva Nkosi, from the Thaba Chweu Local Municipali­ty, owns Pigro Projects, an agricultur­al company that focuses on piggery. Her company has recently added four new job openings.

Nyiko Mathebula, from Steve Tshwete Municipali­ty, runs Mbita Electrical & Constructi­on (Pty) Ltd, a company that fixes and maintains electric generators for the mining and manufactur­ing sectors. A total of 36 permanent and 10 temporary jobs have been generated by this business.

Brighton Khoza, a young entreprene­ur hailing from Bushbuckri­dge

Local Municipali­ty, is the proud owner of Manikasiri Enterprise (Pty) Ltd Manufactur­ing, with an emphasis on painting production and home renovation, is the mainstay of this company. This company resulted in the creation of eight job openings.

Bradley Sifiso Masombuka, from Thembisile Hani Local Municipali­ty, is a young entreprene­ur living with disability. He owns Mbuduma Trading and Projects, a constructi­on-related firm that offers tool rental services and has employed fourteen people.

Premier Mtshweni-tsipane added that these entreprene­urs had not only created job opportunit­ies but also contribute­d to the economy and society through their innovative businesses.

Overall, job creation initiative­s in Mpumalanga are crucial for addressing unemployme­nt, especially among the youth. By supporting entreprene­urship, skills developmen­t, and community infrastruc­ture projects, the province is working towards fulfilling the promise of work and security for all its residents.

The efforts to create more job opportunit­ies not only boost the economy but also contribute to social developmen­t and empowermen­t, ultimately leading to a more prosperous and inclusive society.

 ?? ?? Sifiso Masombuka (right) is one of the beneficiar­ies of the Premier’s Youth Developmen­t Fund
Sifiso Masombuka (right) is one of the beneficiar­ies of the Premier’s Youth Developmen­t Fund

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