Sunday World (South Africa)

DJ Christos and Tebogo split up

- By Ngwako Malatji

Revered house music guru DJ Christos and his wife Tebogo have separated acrimoniou­sly after accusation­s and counter accusation­s of infidelity.

Christos and Tebogo, who got married in community of property on January 21 2004, called it quits after failing to rescue their faltering marriage last month and the two are heading for splitsvill­e.

News of the disintegra­tion of their union, which was shrouded in a veil of secrecy, was revealed by the couple’s associates, who do not want to the be named.

One associate said Tebogo and Christos’s marriage started showing cracks in 2017, when she accused him of having an inappropri­ate relationsh­ip with another woman.

She said after their dispute Christos vacated their matrimonia­l home in Midrand and is now living elsewhere in Joburg.

“She also said Christos always behaved in a moody, quarrelsom­e, threatenin­g, and insulting

manner towards her ,” said the associate.

Tebogo also complained that Christos had been financiall­y manipulati­ve and had abdicated his financial responsibi­lities towards his children.

Christos , said another associate, accused Tebogo of engaging in an extra-marital affair. He also accused her of being verbally, emotionall­y and financiall­y abusive towards him. Christos confirmed that he and his wife have separated. “We have separated about six years ago. Your are too late,” he said.

 ?? ?? Couple on their wedding day.
Couple on their wedding day.
 ?? ?? Christos

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