Sunday Tribune

About Kartik month, the holiest in the Hindu lunar calendar


Question: Many people have been talking about Kartik month. Why is this month so important? VM Answer: According to Hindu scriptures, there are four most holy months in the year. These together are called “Chaturamas”. It starts with “Shravan” which is one of the holiest months and it ends with the “Kartik” month.

“Shravan” month which is popularly known as “Sawan” is dedicated to Lord Shiva. “Kartik’ month which is popularly known as “Damodar Mass” is dedicated to Lord Hari and Kartik month is also very dear to Lord Shiva. The other two months of “Chaturamas” are: Bhadrapad and Ashwin.

The yogis, munis, gurus, highly spiritual persons and staunch devotees observe a strict fast for the complete four months: For people who follow the “Jainism” religion, Chaturamas (Bhadrapad and Ashwin) fast is the essence of their religion. They have set rules and norms to follow. ABOUT KARTIK MONTH: Kartik is the holiest month in the Hindu lunar calendar. It usually overlaps October and November in the English calendar. It is described in the scriptures as the best among months for performing austeritie­s.

Lord Shri Krishna says, “Of all plants, the sacred Tulsi is most dear to me; of all months, Kartik is most dear, of all places of pilgrimage, my beloved Dwarka is most dear, and of all days, Ekadashi is most dear.” (Padma Purana, Uttara Khand 112.3)

Kartik or the festival of offering lamps to Lord Krishna, glorifies Lord Krishna’s pastime of being bound with ropes by Mother Yashoda. Observing vrata (fast) in the month of Kartik is glorified in the Puranas.

“As Sat-yuga is the best of yugas (ages), as the Vedas are the best among scriptures, as Ganga is the best of rivers, so Kartik is the best of months, the most dear to Lord Krishna.” (Skanda Purana)

This fast began on October 27 and ends on November 25. One may observe the following foremost activities throughout the entire month of Kartik:

Japa – chanting the holy names of the Lord. Worship the Lord by offering ghee lamps (diyas), worship Tulsi Devi, give charity and perform austeritie­s.

If you cannot observe the above mentioned rules and regulation­s, then at least chant any mantra of your choice or a mantra given to you by your guru or astrologer.

Chant as much as you can during this pious month,whether you are observing a fast or not you will still receive manifold benefits.

The following are excerpts from some scriptures (Puranas) describing the glory of the pious Kartik month:

1. If somebody performs, even a little, worship of Lord Shri Hari in this month, he offers that devotee his own abode.

2. If somebody burns a lamp in the temple of Lord Shri Hari even for a short time (in the month of Kartik), then, whatever sins he has acquired for millions of kalpas (one kalpa equals 1 000 yugas) are all destroyed.

3. A person, who for the entire month of Kartik eats only once a day, becomes very famous, powerful and heroic.

4. O Narada! I have personally seen that a person who happily reads the Bhagavad Gita in the month of Kartik does not return to the world of birth and death.

5. Of all gifts, the gift of a lamp during the month of Kartik is the best. No gift is its equal.

6. The pious result obtained by bathing in all holy places and giving all charities is not equal to one ten-millionth part of the result obtained by following the vow of Kartik.

7. By sleeping on the ground during Kartik, one is entitled to the same religious merits as are obtainable by donating a piece of land to Brahmins during solar and lunar eclipses.

8. One who takes a bath before sunrise in the pious month of Kartik is absolved of all sins.

On November 19, “Gopashtami” will be celebrated. It is the day when cows are worshipped and we pay tribute to the cows with respect and gratitude.

As Indians we worship cows and call them Gau Mata. Astrologic­ally, when the prayer is over, then the soil beneath the cow’s feet is applied on the forehead. By doing this, one’s luck improves.

Astrologic­ally and ayurvedica­lly, if you take a bath before sunrise for the whole month of Kartik and consume “Amla” (oil) everyday except on Navmi Tithi (as per Hindi calendar) that on November 20, one can remain healthy, young and will have glowing skin.

NB: In India, women usually follow this tip so that they can look younger, as well as have glowing skin. Readers can send their name and surname, religion, date, place and time of birth and the advice they require to: Mahesh Bang, Tribune Herald, PO Box 47549, Greyville, 4023, or e-mail tribuneher­ or call Bang at: 083 659 2277 or 031 401 8888

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