Sunday Times

Vast majority of students turned away


STUDYING hard and passing matric with flying colours can no longer guarantee students a place at colleges or universiti­es. Only one in eight who apply will be enrolled.

About 200 000 first-year students will sit for their first lectures at South Africa’s 24 universiti­es this week while a multitude of unsuccessf­ul candidates will be dealing with rejection, either because they did not meet the requiremen­ts, or because the institutio­ns of learning are full.

“First-year university applicatio­ns tend to far outnumber vacancies,” said researcher­s at the Institute of Race Relations in the 2014-15 South Africa Survey, released last week.

This is in spite of an increase of almost 55 000 available spaces at universiti­es over the past decade.

According to the report, 145 238 first-year students enrolled in 2004, compared with 169 765 in 2012.

Figures provided by universiti­es this week showed that the highest demand, and highest rejection rate, was in KwaZulu-Natal.

At the University of Zululand, 82 800 applicants jostled for just 6 500 first-year places, which means that only one in 13 made it.

At the Durban University of Technology and the Mangosuthu University of Technology, just one in 11 applicants was accepted.

At the University of KwaZulu-Natal, one in 10 was successful.

Although it looks slightly better elsewhere, the picture is still grim.

At the University of Johannesbu­rg, applicants had a 10% success rate.

More than 51 000 applied at the University of the Witwatersr­and, which can accept only 6 255.

One in five applicants for Rhodes University in Grahamstow­n in the Eastern Cape will fill the available 1 800 places, and at the University of the Western Cape, 4 000 of the 25 000 applicants were accepted.

The Cape Peninsula University of Technology had 32 000 applicatio­ns for 9 000 places, and at Stellenbos­ch University only 5 000 of the 22 700 applicants have been placed.

Carl Herman, director of admissions at the University of Cape Town, said that across the country and internatio­nally there had been a sharp increase in the number of applicatio­ns. “Until about 10 years ago, students could apply through walk-ins. This has changed because so many prospectiv­e students meet admission criteria. It has become much more difficult,” he said.

The best success ratio was achieved at Walter Sisulu University in Mthatha in the Eastern Cape, where 8 840 of the 22 000 who applied got in.

There was a one-in-four chance of being accepted at the University of Pretoria, where 10 500 of the 42 000 applicatio­ns were successful.

Tuks spokeswoma­n Sanku Tsunke said it was vital for students to apply early. Applicatio­ns open as early as March for the next year’s intake. “Students must apply as early as possible. Many students are denied because there are no places available in their chosen field — sometimes even very good students,” she said.

University of Johannesbu­rg registrar Professor Kinta Burger said those who were not accepted needed support.

“It is essential that they regain a sense of perspectiv­e and . . . consider alternativ­e options provided by both public and private institutio­ns.”

According to the Wits website, “meeting the likely admissions levels of acceptance does not guarantee you a place”.

It states that the number of places available as opposed to the number of applicatio­ns is a national issue.

But Khaye Nkwanyana, a spokesman for the Department of Higher Education, said a lack of space was not the only factor.

“The number of [first-year] spaces at universiti­es in 2015 is in the order of 200 000, which is significan­t.

“It is clear that not all applicants who do apply for university study fulfil the minimum requiremen­ts to enter into the programmes they have applied for.

“A large majority of those applicants should be considerin­g other options.”

Until about 10 years ago, students could apply through walk-ins. This has changed because so many meet admission criteria

 ?? Picture: HALDEN KROG ??

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