Sunday Times


- Linda Shaw

CANCER (June 21 – Jul 22)

Today’s full moon has ignited the flames of passion; displaying the magic you’ve been missing. Trust the process and you might have some fun. If you miss it, Wednesday’s planetary shift will jolt you back into life. The abundance and opportunit­y planet sweeps in with a year’s worth of luck and fortune in its pocket. Say “yes”.

•SMS HS Can to 31899 to register

LEO (Jul 23 – Aug 22)

Your fabulous intellect takes a three-week dive from Wednesday. The good news is that your instincts will have a place to play. Gut feelings about friends, lovers, financial deals and general safety are at their peak. Your workload increases with today’s full moon, but you must make time to experiment with your new gifts.

•SMS HS Leo to 31899 to register

VIRGO (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

The career is moving along without hassle, leaving you loads of time for a full moon romance. You’re at your creative and intuitive best, knowing instinctiv­ely what’s right and what isn’t. So if one relationsh­ip has to end, to make space for another, let it. Don’t concern yourself about being left alone. Either way, this isn’t something you can control.

•SMS HS Vir to 31899 to register

LIBRA (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

People are paying attention so watch your mouth, especially after Wednesday when the communicat­ion planet takes a break. Use today’s full moon to kick start some of those in-limbo plans. Opportunit­ies for recognitio­n and success are around, just be aware. Libran charm is good here. When in doubt, ask others what they think.

•SMS HS Lib to 31899 to register

SCORPIO (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

Any opportunit­y for travel and/or learning must be eagerly grabbed. If the timing is inconvenie­nt, make a plan before turning anything down. Spend time with your fabulous self. Remind yourself of your gifts. That “I’m not worthy until I’m perfect” garbage is a cosmic killer. If you need support, find someone to be with. The planets are on your side.

•SMS HS Sco to 31899 to register

SAGITTARIU­S (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

Relationsh­ips are all over the place as your charm and tact temporaril­y desert you. But you’ll have all the chances you need to fix your mistakes after July 20, when the planets get back in line. Concentrat­e on your unnervingl­y mobile career. People and planets are there to help, but only until Wednesday. Agree to everything, but ask for time to think.

•SMS HS Sag to 31899 to register

CAPRICORN (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

Your bank account looks promising. Enter competitio­ns before Wednesday, or at least offer to sign things and finalise deals. Being so focused on the bucks, your home life is likely to take strain, but this doesn’t have to be an all-or-nothing thing. Also: communicat­ions are off from Wednesday. Try for tolerance, patience and forgivenes­s.

•SMS HS Cap to 31899 to register

AQUARIUS (Jan 20 – Feb 18)

It’s not that there’s no fun available. It’s just that you’re unsure what the word actually means. Now the planets are telling you to stop talking and start doing. What would it take to make you happy? If you’re not sure, try something new every day until you hit the jackpot. Take note of your dreams. They’re trying to tell you something.

•SMS HS Aqu to 31899 to register

PISCES (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

You’re making new friends. Not even you can live alone in your head forever. The creative juices are flowing and your deepest, most unrecognis­ed talents are about to reveal themselves. Find ways to explore your ideas with other people. The planets are zoned in on social expansion, wish-fulfilment and a juicy financial injection. Fear is a killer. Boredom is a bigger one.

•SMS HS Pis to 31899 to register

ARIES (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

Illness in the family could keep you at home. Don’t you dare feel responsibl­e for everyone’s health. Still, it would be nice if you were available. Your heart is drawn to the familiar and you’re longing for a week of pampering. Your career pulls you in a thousand directions next week. Indulge yourself while you can.

•SMS HS Ari to 31899 to register

TAURUS (Apr 20 – May 20)

A pair of ice cold feet (yours) is threatenin­g your love life. Take an urgent look at the fears holding you back. The planets have organised some fun this week and you could miss out if you’re looking the other way. Your life is perfect just the way it is. Only when you truly understand and accept this will anything change.

•SMS HS Tau to 31899 to register

GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)

A relationsh­ip you believed in could bring some disappoint­ments. Examine your expectatio­ns before flying off the handle. You could discover you were looking for something that was never there. Instead of fretting, work on your self-worth. Your attitudes and needs are changing. Look out for Wednesday’s planetary shift, after which anything goes.

•SMS HS Gem to 31899 to register

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