
Learn from your past mistakes and vote wisely


Dear SA voter, your importance to politician­s ends on May 29. The kissing of babies, the out-of-tune singing and empty promises will all be gone, only to reappear after five years.

After the 29th, they will no longer take your calls, respond to your emails and the presidenti­al hotline will go cold. That’s the price millions of poor people are going to pay for believing and voting for these habitual liars.

They don’t care about you; all they care about is winning the elections and getting power. After the 29th, your VIP status will be relegated to the bottom of the food chain. It’s all a family affair and you’re not invited at the feeding trough. The politician­s’ children get the best education overseas or at expensive private schools, while the voters’ children are fed Angie Motshekga’s education that prepares them to serve the politician­s’ children.

It is just like the tender system, only two people benefit: the giver (politician) and the receiver (the politician’s associate). It’s going to be the same with the NHI.

Nothing is going to change in public health facilities because politician­s are going to steal all those billions, like they did with the Covid-19 billions.

Love her or hate her, Dr Phophi Ramathuba was right about what she said concerning the state of our health facilities which are overwhelme­d by foreign nationals.

NHI is going to benefit politician­s and foreigners, not ordinary South Africans. See how the government has destroyed family ties in SA with its laws? There’s also nothing to celebrate about the Bela Bill.

This law makes it clear that this amendment to the Schools Act will be the way the government sneaks in mandatory vaccinatio­ns that were not a legal requiremen­t in SA, but that was before it was passed by parliament. So, voters, think of these dangerous laws before you make your mark.

Remember, good decisions come from experience. But experience comes from bad decisions. Learn from your past mistakes, go ahead and vote wisely on the 29th.

Bushy Green, Kagiso

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