
Time for ANC to sideline injured, off-form players if it wants to stay on top


My political party, ANC, has missed yet another golden opportunit­y to score a goal that will have given it advantage leading up to next year elections, expected to be the toughest ever.

It can craft manifesto differentl­y and package it in appealing packages. For me it will be difficult to sell as long as all the perceived corrupt leaders continue with their jobs as normal.

We should be seen giving our people hope by dealing internally with all those who are implicated in corruption through our integrity committee. This should be done while we await the long arm of law to deal with them in courts of law. In that way we would be demonstrat­ing the political will to uproot corruption within our ranks.

Brushing it aside and hoping that our people will forget is committing suicide. Imagine some of our leaders engaged in public debates talking about the corruption and state capture meanwhile they themselves have a dark cloud hovering over them.

We can’t field injured players in a tense, competitiv­e match and expect to win it. You are bound to lose that game.

Just like in the World Cup, other countries there have sidelined some of their best players due to loss of form and injury.

Many of the leaders in our movement are injured and others off form. We usually boast about enormous talent we have in the ANC; now it’s time to use on-form and injury-free leaders.

Moses Zola Manake, Roodekrans

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