

‘Lion King’ musical composer hopes to end love woes as he plans to say ‘I do’ for fourth time

- Lesley Mofokeng Entertainm­ent Editor

LIGHTNING has struck the same place twice for Lebo Morake. The charismati­c local who took on Hollywood and won, by arranging and performing music for the stage and film production­s of The Lion King, has run back to the arms of his ex-wife Angela Ngani-Casara. Now co-executive producer of the famed musical, Lebo M, as Morake is popularly known, confirmed in a statement he will be remarrying the woman he divorced in 2013 after a marriage that lasted four years. Publicist Neo Motlhala has confirmed that preparatio­ns are in full swing for what might be the wedding of the year with no expenses spared. The happy couple said they were renewing their vows instead of remarrying, and their social media posts have been littered with hashtags #restoratio­n #reconcilia­tion #forever #love as buzz words. The nuptials are set to take place early next month in exotic Egypt with a small ceremony planned for close family and friends.

The bride’s Italian family is expected to attend as well. Other guests expected to fly to Egypt will be coming from South Africa, the US and UK.

Commenting on their pending trip down the aisle, Morake said: “The events of my life have been humbling, and reconcilin­g with Angela has continued to teach me important lessons. Our reconcilia­tion is about restoring

We look “forward to creating a lasting legacy ...

what truly is a gift to us.”

The bride also remarked: “I am thankful to God that we have a second chance to rebuild our family, with renewed love and commitment.”

They have a daughter together, while Morake has five other surviving children.

The couple rekindled their flame in September and have been living it up touring the world with photo shoots in California, US, dining in Cape Town and Durban, and enjoying family braais in Johannesbu­rg.

“We are overjoyed. We continue to build and through faith, love and courage we look forward to creating a lasting legacy for ourselves and our family at large,” the couple said.

Morake has been unlucky in love and this will be his fourth stab at marriage. His previous brides include Vivica Gibson who lasted five years, Nandi Ndlovu for 11 years, Angela for four years, and he has paid lobola for dentist Matseke Naka, but never formalised things.

Last year Morake was engaged to actress and singer Zoe Mthiyane, but after a few months the romance fizzled out and exploded into an ugly, public ex-lovers tiff.

His other marriage woes include an acrimoniou­s split from Ndlovu after the couple's son sadly drowned in a pool in 2003. In addition to the success of The

Lion King, Morake wrote the music for the Tarzan film released in July with Mthiyane singing the opening song Opar.

He has also composed for films such as Tears of the Sun, Congo and Mighty Joe Young.

 ?? PHOTO: KATHERINE MUICK-MERE ?? Second time around nuptials for Lebo M and ex-wife Angela Ngani-Casara following their reconcilia­tion.
PHOTO: KATHERINE MUICK-MERE Second time around nuptials for Lebo M and ex-wife Angela Ngani-Casara following their reconcilia­tion.
 ??  ?? Angela Ngani-Casara is thankful to be rebuilding their family.
Angela Ngani-Casara is thankful to be rebuilding their family.
 ??  ?? Lebo Morake is happy and in love.
Lebo Morake is happy and in love.

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