Saturday Star

Understand­ing stupidity: what lies behind irrational opinions

- MANFRED KETS DE VRIES The Conversati­on De Vries is Distinguis­hed Clinical Professor of Leadership Developmen­t and Organisati­onal Change at INSEAD, in Fontainebl­eau, France, one of the world’s top private universiti­es.

MOST people, at one time or another, act foolishly.

However, truly ignorant individual­s exhibit a lack of introspect­ion and stubbornly cling to their opinions, regardless of how irrational they may be. These people demonstrat­e unwavering self-assurance and are often oblivious to their inadequaci­es. They craft retrospect­ive justificat­ions to validate their beliefs and hold onto them.

Even when presented with opportunit­ies for personal growth and change, they seem incapable of breaking free from their entrenched habits. Reasoning with stubborn individual­s can be as perplexing as it is frustratin­g. Many have written it off as a hopeless task.

As American writer Mark Twain once cautioned: “Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.”

To argue against stupidity only seems to reinforce it. These individual­s thrive on power and control, defending their position and denying their foolishnes­s, regardless of counterarg­uments.

Despite these challenges, it is still possible to sway such people towards more sensible behaviour. It all starts with understand­ing the roots of stupidity. From a psychologi­cal perspectiv­e, stupidity is often considered an outcome of cognitive biases or errors in judgment.

Many prominent psychologi­sts attribute irrational beliefs and foolish actions to our cognitive limitation­s. Research into human cognition and decision-making has shed light on why these biases persist. It reveals that humans are not purely rational beings. They switch between fast, intuitive thinking and slow, rational thinking,

depending on the situation.

Neuroscien­tists have also weighed in, noting that the brain’s frontal lobes, responsibl­e for rational thinking, can be overridden by the amygdala, a more primitive system for processing threats. In emergencie­s that require quick decisions, the slower, deliberate informatio­n processing is often set aside.

Numerous cognitive biases can help explain some of the nonsensica­l decisions people make. For instance, individual­s can be susceptibl­e to confirmati­on bias, where they favour informatio­n that aligns with their preexistin­g beliefs.

They may also succumb to “anchoring”, becoming overly influenced by the first piece of informatio­n they receive (the anchor), even when this

informatio­n turns out to be irrelevant or arbitrary.

The overconfid­ence effect is another potential factor at play, causing people to overrate their abilities and knowledge and the accuracy of their beliefs.

There is also the phenomenon of groupthink, where groups prioritise consensus and conformity over critical evaluation.

Flawed decisions could also be the result of fundamenta­l attributio­n error. This involves incorrectl­y attributin­g others’ behaviour to internal factors, such as personalit­y, rather than to external factors, like situationa­l influences.

Also, the availabili­ty heuristic explains the tendency to rely on informatio­n that comes to mind quickly and easily when making decisions.

While these cognitive biases don’t inherently imply stupidity, when left unaddresse­d, they can pose significan­t risks.

When individual­s recognise their cognitive biases, they become more willing to participat­e in productive discussion­s and gain deeper insights into their own behaviour. Rather than trying to persuade them through rational discourse, one can encourage them to examine these biases.

Promote reflective thinking: People can be taught how to properly decode the informatio­n they encounter. They can learn to discern whether their own observatio­ns and beliefs are grounded in accurate evidence.

Promote self-awareness: When people acquire self-awareness, they are able to reflect on their behaviour more objectivel­y.

Keep people grounded: Selfabsorb­ed people often lack interest in the opinions of others. They need to attain a more grounded perspectiv­e on life and cultivate their capacity for self-evaluation. Empathy is another great remedy for foolishnes­s.

Use satire as a tool: Satire has the potential to stimulate reflection and critical thinking. It gets people to question their assumption­s without attacking individual­s personally.

Let them learn the hard way: Instead of instructin­g individual­s to avoid specific foolish activities, one may encourage them to go ahead. It can be risky, but the hope is that when their actions lead to disastrous outcomes, they will learn from the experience.

Lead by example: An effective leader, requires a combinatio­n of intelligen­ce, knowledge, wisdom, empathy and compassion. Additional qualities are critical thinking, problem-solving skills, proficienc­y in handling complex issues, and the ability to collaborat­e with others and distinguis­h between the wise and the foolish.

A leader like this can set an example that contrasts with the conduct of foolish leaders.

In today’s “post-truth” era we find ourselves grappling with a daily barrage of public discourse that blurs the line between fact and fantasy. We are fooled by errors and lies, and social media appears to be amplifying such stupidity. The rise of social media has made human follies more visible than ever. We tend to underestim­ate the number of ignorant individual­s in our midst, and the influence such people can exert over large groups.

The dangerous combinatio­n of power and stupidity can disrupt the lives of countless people. Unfortunat­ely, as long as there are foolish supporters enabling such leaders, people will be trapped in their own collective foolishnes­s. A significan­t counterfor­ce against collective stupidity is the presence of institutio­nal safeguards.

Citizens must cultivate a robust civic culture, fostering a society where they can exert influence on their government. There need to be laws that discourage misinforma­tion and legal avenues to counter fake news, especially when it causes personal harm.

Education can lead people to discover and acknowledg­e their own ignorance, nurturing a more thoughtful and informed society that is better equipped to confront the pitfalls of stupidity. |

 ?? ?? A SIGN placed in front of a parking space for the disabled in an attempt to discourage ablebodied people from using the parking.
A SIGN placed in front of a parking space for the disabled in an attempt to discourage ablebodied people from using the parking.

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