Saturday Star

St Benedict’s shines while mourning a boy’s death


ONE of the leading boys’ schools, St Benedict’s College, celebrates the accomplish­ments of its matriculan­ts and their outstandin­g results.

With four students placing in the top 1% nationally in each subject, the Class of 2023 that took the IEB National Senior Certificat­e exams earned an outstandin­g 250 distinctio­ns, or 2.25 per student.

Averaging 91.3%, the top learners outperform­ed five others, all of whom exceeded 85%. Nineteen others attained an average of more than 80%.

College head David Jeffrey congratula­ted the “Class of 2023” and said, “It’s crucial to acknowledg­e that the matriculat­ion final results signify the culminatio­n of 13 years of dedication, and they are a nod to the boys’ ongoing efforts, their parents’ unequivoca­l support and the determinat­ion of their teachers”.

The cohort’s 95.5% exemption percentage has been attained. St Benedict’s has establishe­d itself as a leader in offering pupils a cutting-edge technologi­cal education by exhibiting expertise in the field of informatio­n technology over the years.

“With an average score of 80.7% this year, 17 boys received distinctio­ns and are prepared to succeed in an increasing­ly digital society,” Jeffrey said.

The school prides itself on being an institutio­n where the arts are celebrated equally, and this shone through in dramatic arts, where an overall average of 82.8% was achieved: 80% of the boys taking the subject achieved distinctio­ns.

Jeffrey concluded: “Those going on to enter a new phase of life, we send you off, our young trailblaze­rs, with a reminder to embrace knowledge and integrity in all that you set out to do.

“May you embark on a journey of excellence, resilience, and compassion­ate leadership, shaping a future that underscore­s the values of our school.

“Over the years, we have produced great sportsmen, advocates, judges, businessme­n, entreprene­urs, philanthro­pists and values-based men, and we are confident that we will witness remarkable achievemen­ts from the Class of 2023.

“We believe they possess all the essential qualities to succeed in every aspect of their lives and are poised to make positive contributi­ons to their communitie­s, our society and the world at large.

“While every boy is a success story, some are deserving of extra commendati­on, including the school’s top learner, Dylan Ho, who earned eight distinctio­ns and finished with an average of 91.3% across all his subjects.

“With a heart for community service, Ho hopes to study medicine this year.

“The second top learner, Angelo Bastos, clinched nine distinctio­ns, narrowly missing a 90% average by .9 percentage points, with a final average of 89.1%.”

A summary of the results below demonstrat­es the calibre of teaching and learning that takes place throughout St Benedict’s College.

Five boys obtained an overall distinctio­n average of between 85% and 89%: Angelo Bastos, Sabelo Shangase, Jayden Pharo, Alex Bezuidenho­ut and Troy Zillen,

Nineteen learners obtained an overall distinctio­n average of between 80% and 84%: Thomas Andrea, Armaan Singh, Xiaoyao Wang, Uchechukwu Ejike, Divo Kohler,

Grant Nel, Kayur Singh, Mark Carreira, Declan Murphy, Nicolas de Keizer, Bruno Faria, Luca Pereira, Nkululeko Thwala, Colby Newman, Nicholaas Adlam, Michael Krajewski, Thandoluhl­e Jadezweni, Keval Govind and Dante Mindszenty.

The school sent its sincere condolence­s to the family and friends of the late Declan Murphy, one of its top achievers, who died in a freak holiday accident three weeks ago.

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