Saturday Star

Giving back always remembered

Two brands showed exceptiona­l insight into consumers’ needs this holiday season


THE year has flown past, faster than the last it seems, and for most it’s time to get ready for a well-deserved holiday.

The holidays are a special time for some, but it can also be a stressful time. People are rushing around with a million things to get through: shopping, preparing for trips to the beach or overseas, how to deal with your mother-in-law, who insists on telling you how to raise your kids.

This is a tough time for brands as well. With every brand pushing Christmas specials, promotions and not-to-be-missed deals, it’s hard to stand out. It is those brands that offer true value that will be remembered. The brands that connect with consumers on a personal level and those that understand their needs and give back. Two brand campaigns that have achieved this are Coca-Cola’s Wish Upon a Coke and the Nivea Sun Protective Ad.

Coca-Cola has always been consistent when it comes to connecting with consumers and offering value. It recognised a real problem when it comes to flying over the holiday period and saw an opportunit­y to connect with consumers and give them a little happiness.

The activation took place at Dubai Internatio­nal Airport. Coke identified passengers who were travelling home for the holidays and unable to carry many presents because of overweight luggage.

The passengers where then surprised with a Coca-Cola bottle that contained a special label that doubled as an excess baggage tag. The tag allowed passengers an extra 5kg, enabling them to take home all the presents they had bought.

The activation enabled Coke to give back to its consumers, offering them a helping hand when they needed it. The experience created a strong emotional connection to the brand, and ensures it will be remembered.

Nivea Sun engaged with consumers in a similar way. Identifyin­g the fear parents have with their kids and linking it to their brand essence of Protect, Nivea created a unique experience.

Nivea Sun created a mobile app and technology-laden magazine insert that allows parents to keep track of their kids in busy spaces, such as the beach. The combinatio­n print-and-mobile execution lets you tear a bracelet out of the magazine ad, wrap it around your child’s arm, download an app, sync them and set a perimeter. If your kid wanders outside the safe zone, an alarm sounds and you are able to track where your child is.

The unique activation allowed Nivea Sun to give parents peace of mind when taking their kids to busy areas and showcased the brand essence in a strong way.

For brands to stand out during the holidays they need to identify what consumers want and give them real value. Brands that can connect with consumers on a human level will be remembered.

Bracegirdl­e is part of Group Africa’s Marketing Creative and Strategy team.

 ??  ?? REFRESHING: Coca-Cola’s campaign at Dubai airport, enabling people to take an extra 5kg of baggage, was a winner.
REFRESHING: Coca-Cola’s campaign at Dubai airport, enabling people to take an extra 5kg of baggage, was a winner.

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