
Father missing after boat capsizes


CHRISTOPHE­R Perumal had planned to spend Father’s Day with his daughters but it was not to be.

Perumal, 40, from Bonela, has been missing since last Wednesday night when the ski-boat he went fishing in, capsized after apparently suffering engine failure near Vetch’s Pier, on Durban’s South Beach.

Candice Naidoo, a spokespers­on for his family, said he went fishing with seven friends and the skipper of the boat.

“We believe that while out at sea the boat suffered engine failure and the skipper used the radio to call for help. A private boat came to their rescue but before the skipper of the private boat could assist, a strong wave capsized the boat Christophe­r was in, causing everyone to fall into the water.”

Naidoo said the skipper on the private boat was able to rescue Perumal’s friends and their skipper.

“When they realised that Christophe­r was not accounted for they began

screaming out for him hoping he would surface. It was dark and they could not see much. When they could not locate him they contacted the SAPS Search and Rescue.”

Naidoo said the skipper’s wife contacted Perumal’s parents, Vasanthie and Andrew Perumal, to tell them what had happened.

“Rescue teams searched until Saturday and his body had still not been found. We are all traumatise­d.

“His friends visited the family and are all in shock. His parents cannot accept that he is gone. We are now praying that his body surfaces. It is a difficult time for all of us.”

She said Perumal who worked as a towbar manufactur­er, had two daughters, aged 4 and 7. He lived with his parents and was separated from his wife.

“He had planned to spend Father’s Day with his children. His little girl does not understand what has happened and she is hoping to see her dad.”

Naidoo said she knew Perumal for more than 25 years.

“He is a wonderful person. Very helpful and kind. He was everything to his parents. He loved to fish.”

Paul Bevis, from the duty coxswain at the National Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI), said their crew in Durban was contacted by the Transnet National Ports Authority (TNPA) to assist.

“We believe the ski-boat may have suffered engine failure. When our team arrived at the scene our NSRI sea rescue craft found a private boat had recovered eight people from the water.

“The eight survivors reported one person still missing.”

He said the NSRI instructed the skipper of the private boat to take the survivors to the NSRI rescue base.

“The survivors were treated for hypothermi­a and for shock. Netcare 911 ambulance services responded and one of the survivors was transporte­d to hospital by Netcare 911 ambulance in a stable condition for observatio­n for non-fatal drowning symptoms and for treatment for hypothermi­a. He is expected to make a full recovery.”

Bevis said the TNPA pilot boat Ballito initiated a search for Perumal.

“We located the capsized ski-boat 800 metres off-shore of Vetch’s and it was towed.

“An NSRI rescue swimmer was deployed into the water to free dive search under the hull of the capsized vessel. The NSRI sea rescue craft Alec Rennie was launched and joined in an extensive search for the missing man but there remains no sign of him. Our thoughts are with his family and friends.”

Police did not comment by the time of publicatio­n.

 ?? ?? Christophe­r Perumal
Christophe­r Perumal

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