
Learn with Luayy

How-to videos are fun with the 5-year-old son of a chef


THE lockdown has inspired many to share cooking and baking tips and recipes, including 5-year-old Luayy Alvarado.

With the assistance of his mother, for measuring and handling hot surfaces, Luayy likes to share recipes and how-to videos for healthy, kidfriendl­y treats on his social media channels.

He said: “The first thing I made was jelly. I started baking when I was 3 years. The first thing I learnt to bake was sugar cookies in animal shapes.”

With his father from Peru and his mom from Durban, Luayy shares a mixed bag of interestin­g recipes.

“I like baking and cooking and being in the kitchen because I like making nice treats and I can spend time with my mommy or daddy when they teach me how to make yummy goodies.

“Baking for Eid is one of my favourite things. This year for Eid, I baked custard Smartie cookies and rainbow sprinkle cookies.

“Muffins and cookies are my favourite, and apples because they are healthy and good for my body and teeth. My favourite cooked treat is rainbow pancakes which I make with my mom.”

He said he liked to show other children how to make their own snacks and treats so anyone could have yummy goodies to eat.

“Some things are easy to make and it’s also fun to do. Also if kids learn to make healthy food, then they don’t have to eat things that are unhealthy.”

His word of advice to children getting busy in the kitchen: “Don’t play with knives, as they are sharp. If you want to cut something, call a grown-up to help you cut.

“Ovens are really dangerous and you could get burnt. Always ask a grown-up to help you put things in, or take things out from the oven.”

Luayy, whose mom is Chef Zana, said he also wanted to be a chef and an astronaut… and a doctor:

“So I can save grown-ups and kids from bad viruses.

“And I also want to be a vet so I can care for little animals. I want to have a pet shop when I grow up too, but I will never stop cooking and baking because I love it.”

On a parting note, he asked if he could share a special message to younger readers: “I want to tell them to eat all their fruit and vegetables, to get strong and healthy, especially carrots. Carrots are good for your eyes. And remember, candy is bad for your teeth.”

Luayy can be followed on YouTube: Luayys Little Kitchen, LuayysLitt­leKitchen or Instagram @ Luayys_Little_Kitchen

“My mommy looks after my social media and reads everyone’s messages to me, and I get very happy to hear them.”

 ??  ?? LUAYY Alvarado, 5, says he likes being in the kitchen. | Supplied
LUAYY Alvarado, 5, says he likes being in the kitchen. | Supplied

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