
‘Quit smoking, take care of your lungs’


IF EVER there was a time to quit smoking – that time is now, said Savera Kalideen of the National Council Against Smoking (NCAS).

“As the infection rate increases, now is the time to take care of your lungs by not smoking cigarettes, shisha, vaping or using e-cigarettes.

“Also, with more people spending increased amounts of time at home, we must make sure children and nonsmokers are not exposed to harmful second-hand smoke that could make them more susceptibl­e to respirator­y illnesses.”

Although the coronaviru­s pandemic is evolving too rapidly for conclusive evidence to have emerged on the effect of tobacco smoking on an individual’s susceptibi­lity to Covid-19 infection, Kalideen said there was already overwhelmi­ng evidence that people who smoked were at an increased risk of getting lung and chest infections.

“If smoking makes you more susceptibl­e to lung infections caused by respirator­y viruses, such as flu, or bacteria as in the case of tuberculos­is (TB), you may be more vulnerable to contractin­g Covid-19 compared to people who don’t smoke.”

Smoking also fundamenta­lly affects the immune system, making it harder to fight infection. Existing evidence suggests that smokers with damaged lungs and weakened immune systems would be likely to be more severely affected by Covid-19 if they become infected, just as they are with flu and TB.

Kalideen said South Africa had one of the highest rates of HIV infections in the world – with 7.7 million people living with the disease – making us vulnerable.

HIV has made people more susceptibl­e to TB and 60% of HIVpositiv­e people in the country also have TB.

The Academy of Science of South Africa said people with HIV are already eight times more likely to be admitted to hospital for flu-linked pneumonia.

Scientists do not know how Covid-19 will affect people with HIV and TB, although there is concern about their increased susceptibi­lity.

While people of all ages can contract Covid-19, the elderly and those with underlying conditions, such as lung disease, are most at risk of experienci­ng more severe disease progressio­n according to the World Health Organisati­on (WHO).

The WHO’s statistics show that in South Africa alone, smoking results in more than half of lung cancer deaths and over 20% of TB deaths.

“As with many lung-related diseases, tobacco use increases the risk of contractin­g TB and experienci­ng recurrent TB, as well as impairing patients’ response to treatment.”

Scientific evidence

Dr Catherine Egbe, a specialist scientist of the Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug Research Unit at the South African Medical Research Council, said although evidence did not indicate that smokers were more likely to contract Covid-19 than non-smokers, scientists had found that smokers were more likely to show disease progressio­n or complicati­ons when they contracted the virus.

Egbe added that these findings should not come as a surprise.

“It is well documented that smokers are at higher risks of cardiovasc­ular diseases and Covid-19 is known to also affect the cardiovasc­ular system. Global research suggests that older people and people with chronic health conditions, including cardiovasc­ular disease, are at higher risk of dying from Covid-19 than the average population.”

Second-hand smoking is known to cause harm.

Professor Pamela Naidoo, the chief executive of the Heart and Stroke Foundation South Africa, said that in a recent study in the Western Cape, nicotine was found in the system of newborn infants and non-smokers.

Naidoo said exposure to secondhand smoke damaged lungs and depressed the immune system, increasing susceptibi­lity to chest and respirator­y infections.

“Protect the lungs of those around you, particular­ly children and the elderly, and ensure they are not exposed to second-hand smoke.”


There is light at the end of the tunnel for smokers who quit now.

“People who smoke are at increased risk of lung infections in general, but the lungs do heal over time when people stop smoking,” Egbe said.

“While it takes 10 to 15 years for smokers who quit to regain full health – equal to that of someone who has never smoked – smokers who quit begin to experience physiologi­cal changes within hours of quitting. Over time, their susceptibi­lity to lung infections like bronchitis and pneumonia also decreases.”

The message from the NCAS, the Cancer Associatio­n of South Africa, the Heart and Stroke Foundation and the South African Medical Research Council in the time of Covid-19 is clear.

Stop smoking now and do the best you can to boost your immune system and improve your lung health.

 ?? ?? COVID-19: Now’s the time to stop smoking.
| COVID-19: Now’s the time to stop smoking. |

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