Polokwane Observer

SLC shows Eric Louw the ropes


Stanford Lake College welcomed Hoërskool Eric Louw’s netball and rugby players to the mountain for what set out to be a wonderful morning of sport on Saturday, 15 May.

The Baby Badgers Rugby Team (u/15’s) took on Eric Louw in their first home game. They had a great start, leading 12-0 in the first 15 minutes of the game.

Eric Louw came back and scored a try just before half time. This messed with the Stanford boys’ psyche and they were soon put on the back foot and had to defend for most of the game. Eric Louw scored two more tries to lead 15-12 with a couple of minutes left.

During injury time, Eric Louw managed to score another try to win the game 20-12.

The first XV Badgers finally ran on to the field again after over a year of absence.

Despite having a smaller forwards pack than their Eric Louw, the tight five set the tone early by completely dominating the set pieces and rucks. This allowed the speedsters in the backline to run and show off their attacking skill. The Badgers won the game 32–7, which is the highest winning margin against Eric Louw in the school’s history.

This winning streak was also seen on the netball courts. The players really gave it their all and the results speak for themselves. With rumours of the suspension of school sports, the girls had fun on the courts and played like it really was their last games. All the Stanford teams that played did exceptiona­lly well, winning three of the four games played that day. The highlight of the day was the first team winning 28-11.

 ??  ?? Michael Scriven passes the ball Heinrich Maritz during SLC’s game against Eric Louw.
Michael Scriven passes the ball Heinrich Maritz during SLC’s game against Eric Louw.
 ??  ?? Heinrich Maritz from SLC jumps for the ball in the line out.
Heinrich Maritz from SLC jumps for the ball in the line out.
 ??  ?? The first team chanting a team song during half-time.
The first team chanting a team song during half-time.

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