Mail & Guardian

Shandy Tema

Community developmen­t facilitato­r, trainer and moderator @ Electronic Waste Cooperativ­e of South Af rica The aim of the cooperativ­e is to achieve the dream of a “self-realised grassroots empowered way of living”.


handy Tema was born in the village of Ga-mphahlele in impopo and now lives in Alexandra, Johannesbu­rg, where she establishe­d and runs the Electronic Waste Cooperativ­e of South Africa.

The cooperativ­e started recycling waste products more than 20 years ago. It is now an integrated system of environmen­tal management programmes and projects. The aim of the cooperativ­e is to achieve the dream of a “self-realised grassroots empowered way of living”. says Tema, and this can be achieved through reducing pollution in Alexandra and ensuring the greening of a clean environmen­t.

Tema has personally been involved in conservati­on efforts since the age of 12. “I’m an advocate for recycling, reduce, reuse — my daily work is developing plans to see the youth being active in the environmen­t where they live,” she says.

The Electronic Waste Cooperativ­e of South Africa works by UHF\FOLQJ HOHFWURQLF­V RIˋFH HTXLSPHQW DQG KRPH DSSOLDQFHV to name but a a few. The cooperativ­e also repairs, refurbishe­s and promotes reusable products.

The success of the cooperativ­e can be attributed to its “collaborat­ive approach and partnering with existing stakeholde­rs to ensure effective cooperatio­n between FRPPXQLWLH­V DQG FRPSDQLHV IRU VXIˋFLHQW DFWLRQ WR VDYH WKH country and the world at large — the aim is to build together”, says Tema. Tema has been involved in the curriculum developmen­t of e-waste issues, as part of profession­alising the industry to ensure proper coordinati­on and management within the waste management sector, in areas such occupation­al health and its practices and licencing. “We are aiming for a clean environmen­t through e-waste recycling with the view of changing how communitie­s view the environmen­t and, ultimately, creating zero waste and saving the planet,” she says. — Neo han ile

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