Mail & Guardian

The coup that changed Ghana forever

- The Trial of JJ Rawlings is published by African Perspectiv­es Publishing Daily Graphic

After three coups d’état by senior military officers in Ghana, the image of the military had sunk so low that the promise of general elections in June 1979 was not enough to assuage Ghanaians. Feeling that it was necessary for the military to cleanse itself and restore its image, a group of young officers and other ranks of the Ghana Armed Forces mutinied. The leader, Jerry Rawlings, and six others were put on trial by a military tribunal. Rawlings’ bold statements at the trial stirred the conscience of

The time was 5.09pm and the date, 15 May 1979. It was a Tuesday afternoon. A commentato­r on the BBC African Service programme Focus on Africa was clearly heard saying: “How serious this uprising was is far from clear. What the motive would be is also less than clear. Ghana is of course scheduled to return to civil rule at the beginning of July, and it could be that some soldiers of the armed forces would like to stop that from happening. It is known that a number of army officers are worried that any future civilian government might vigorously investigat­e the military for corruption and malpractic­e during their seven years of administra­tion.”

At this time, flight lieutenant Jerry John Rawlings was behind bars at the military intelligen­ce annex, in Accra. He was not terribly disappoint­ed that things had turned out that way. Of course, if the coup had succeeded, he would have been more satisfied. Yet anything could happen, he told himself. He would be put on trial, and as long as he got the chance to speak, he knew the whole world would hear his story.

Rawlings’ wife, Nana, said later that “he had been complainin­g unceasingl­y about injustices, corruption, abuse of office and other malpractic­es going on within the military administra­tion”.

I looked into her face, expecting further details.

She continued: “I don’t know whether to tell you all this ... Look, there came a time when I was hiding my ration of essential commoditie­s from my workplace ... from him”. “Why?”

“You know what he did after work? He would either take an aircraft out diving or spend time riding horses at the recce. Otherwise he would just take his dog out into the bush or park somewhere. At times, he went swimming or fishing in the Volta River.

“The more he got involved in these activities, the more deprivatio­n met him face to face. He told me that anytime he came upriver, swimming, the hungry, lean and dejected looks on the faces of the fishermen wore him down, so what he did was to carry the few so-called essential commoditie­s we had in the house to the people at the riverside anytime he went oysterfish­ing. Sometimes there would be nothing at home, so I had to find a way of hiding a few for ourselves.”

The next day, 16 May, the dailies carried news of the attempted coup.

An editorial in the Daily Graphic said in part: “The shock is deepened further by the fact that yesterday, a three-man delegation … was scheduled to present the final draft of the constituti­on to the Supreme Military Council (SMC) at the castle; a ceremony symbolisin­g the meticulous­ly planned and the steady steps being taken towards the June 18 election day. The question arises: what had the adventurer­s hoped to achieve at this period when the majority of Ghanaians have all tuned their minds to June 18 and after?”

The BBC’S programme, 24 Hours,

continued with a staffer’s point of view: “There have been moments of discontent among the military, the army, particular­ly the middlerank­ing officers and junior officers, because they fear that the army is going to be investigat­ed vigorously by the future civilian government when it takes office in July. The military administra­tion of the past seven years has become unpopular because of malpractic­es, stealing, pilfering and corruption.”

The commentato­r went on to say that since General Akuffo took power, his government had gone on “a campaign that laid all the guilt, corruption and malpractic­e on Acheampong’s administra­tion, many of whose members are in the present SMC and who made policy decisions with him”.

The uprising shook the armed forces. A few of the junior officers and other ranks thought the shakeup was necessary. There were days when in the open Makola market, one soldier told me, women were bold enough to pour urine on a man in uniform who dared ask for prices.

Three days after the attempt, the army commander, Major General Odartey-wellington, decorated the officers and men who “quelled the rebellion”.

In detention, Rawlings had no access to any medium of informatio­n. No newspaper. No radio. If he did, he would have been more than amused by what a commentato­r said on the African Service of the BBC on the morning of 19 May 1979: “According to one report, Rawlings wanted the military to stay in power other ranks in the military and civil society. The result was a midnight release of all the accused from prison, followed by a campaign to ‘clean up the military’ before handing over power to a civilian government.

In this abridged and edited extract of the first chapter of The Trial of JJ Rawlings, Kojo Yankah describes how the young Air Force pilot — who twice overthrew the rulers of Ghana and was its longest-serving head of state — prepared to defend the military coup he led.

for another two years.”

Long before 15 May, Rawlings had been jotting down some of the thoughts he held. One such note suggested that he had a message for the day: “You will find them everywhere and you ought to know them by now. He may be the department­al head, he may be the managing director, he may be the security officer or the distributo­r — if you and I will not assume the right to arrest them, let’s not expect anyone else to do it for us.

“Each and every one of us is either part of the problem or a part of the solution … You can neither belong to both nor remain neutral. If you cannot assume the courage to be a man now, then forever bury your complaints and remain the slave that you are. We have been deprived of leaders — selfless leaders who think first and foremost of their men, leaders

who care first and foremost for the welfare of their subordinat­es, leaders who feel and understand the plight, the suffering of their people. Instead, we have been saddled with nothing but their own pleasures and how to hold on to power and ensure that they retire to luxury.”

Rawlings had begun jotting down his own defence: “Your worship, I’m here not to deny my efforts that led to the events of the 14th into the 15th; neither am I here to deny my conviction­s, my concepts, my beliefs, my conscience. Conviction­s I share with these honourable men [the other six accused], soldiers, but first and foremost citizens of this country .

“Here we are going back to barracks, tainted, very much so, without any dynamic, drastic, radical attempt to purge and punish state criminals who have reduced us to this indignity. For me, anything, even death, is better than to be emasculate­d. Violence would have consumed a lot of lives and I couldn’t bear the thought of one innocent life being lost.

“Your worship, no change would have been more welcome than now.

“You must know how it means to be an underdog — to be exploited, to be oppressed. The underdog needs protection now more than ever before. Here he is, completely dispossess­ed of whatever he has, even his humanity. There is, in addition, a feeling of statelessn­ess which has made it possible for aliens and crooks to control state power, the underdog feels helpless.”

One night, during his detention, Rawlings received a card from a relative wishing him well. After reading it, he asked for a pencil from one of the security guards and scribbled a few words on the same card. He had two days more to appear before a military court in the Burma Camp and he had to prepare his defence. Part of what he wrote was: “Your worship, no matter what you have in store for me and my men, let’s do something about the forces; if not, we will end up killing our conscience. A man holding a weapon without conscience can be dangerous ...

“Your worship, if the past and the present can serve as a measure for tomorrow, can you imagine what is in store for us and the coming generation because of this inflation brought about by greed and inconsider­ation?

“The human quality of Ghana will drop. If we had any hopes of making our children any better or as good as we are, they will end up being worse and, since the white man’s culture is here to stay, the cost of maintainin­g it will rise and rise. I leave it to you to imagine the consequenc­es ...” (www.africanper­ Kojo Yankah is a former member of parliament in Ghana.

He also served as a minister of state in the Rawlings government. He is the founder and president of the African University College of Communicat­ions and also a former editor of the in Ghana

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 ?? Photo: William F Campbell/getty Images ?? Clarion call: A new book examines the mind of JJ Rawlings, who led Ghana from 1981 to 2001.
Photo: William F Campbell/getty Images Clarion call: A new book examines the mind of JJ Rawlings, who led Ghana from 1981 to 2001.

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