Glamour (South Africa)

DO love the Biebs again

He knows he wasn’t always so… mature, but these days, Justin is funny, sweet – and wise.


Whether you’re a Belieber or not, there’s no denying that the 22 year old just made a legit great fourth album Purpose. And it feels like years since his days of peeing in buckets and having run-ins with the law. Meet the new (humble?) Justin Bieber. You’ll like him!

what is your most underrated characteri­stic?

My sense of humour. Small spaces. A sports car.

greatest fear? first splurge? the tv show you’re bingewatch­ing now? Workaholic­s. living person you most admire?

My grandparen­ts. They are amazing and have always been there for me.

is there one thing you’d change about yourself?

I’d be more patient.

what do you look for in a woman?

A genuine heart and a great sense of humour.

what do you most Value in your friends? most recent tattoo?

Honesty. I just got wings on the back of my neck. I’ve wanted them for a while, so I felt it was time.

three words that best describe you?

Creative. Adventurou­s. Loving.

what’s your biggest dream?

To have a family of my own. kids? Yes! I’d love to be settled down by 30.

artist you’d like to work with? who are you listening to on youtube right now?

Stevie Wonder. The rapper Post Malone.

what do you think people’s biggest misconcept­ion is about you and your work?

That I ever went away. I don’t see Purpose as a comeback – I’m just growing up.

what would you say to the people or critics who counted you out?

I’m glad you were wrong.

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