Financial Mail

We’ve fallen for the Big Stall


The decent people of this country have been, and still are being, led by the nose by a psychotic, maladjuste­d and sick government. It has mastered the use of an unseen weapon that’s hoodwinkin­g an entire nation into believing all’s well and the bad things, like corruption, will be sorted out soon.

It’s called The Big Stall. And who better to lead by example than the wily King of Nkandla. Jacob Zuma’s been doing it for close on two decades. By means of ongoing appeals he was able to escape a proper hearing.

The Big Stall has even taken root among the prosecutin­g and law enforcing bodies. National Prosecutin­g Authority head Shamila Batohi has admitted in parliament that, given the number of cases joining the queue, we mustn’t expect a quick fix. And that after being on the job for nearly four years. In that time not a single big fish has landed in the net, despite screeds of documented evidence at her disposal.

To put the seal on it, Batohi warns that further cases unearthed through the Zondo commission will add to the delay in bringing criminals to face charges. If the Zuma case is still pending after nearly two decades, what chance do current ones stand to see the light of day? The Big Stall on course.

Ironically, these facts can easily lend themselves to a conspiracy theory. Like, who says this wasn’t the plan all along? President Cyril Ramaphosa’s “new dawn” — and promises of investment­s aplenty leading to millions of jobs — was a sham. The further promises that corruption would be addressed are empty words. Why then not start with Zuma?

It won’t happen, so we are left swallowing the lumps — fools that we are.

Cliff Buchler Claremont

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