Financial Mail

Time to crack down on cable thieves

- Mafika Siphiwe Mgcina ANC caucus, Gauteng legislatur­e, Johannesbu­rg

Cable theft should be treated as an economic treason.

While most of us were preoccupie­d by the political events taking place in SA, from the passing on of former ANC Youth League secretary-general Sindiso Magaqa to the Bell Pottinger and KPMG sagas, something of greater magnitude was taking place in the Johannesbu­rg CBD. Cable worth about R50m was stolen, which had a devastatin­g ripple effect on the economy, jobs and the movement of citizens of our city.

In some instances workers had to be sent home because their offices and workplaces didn’t have electricit­y. Businesspe­ople are still counting their losses — and in some extreme cases, they won’t be able to recoup these, so they will be shutting down their businesses, adding to the job-loss bloodbath.

Where were our law-enforcemen­t agencies? I think it’s about time our lawmakers moved swiftly in regulating the scrapmetal industry. It has become a haven for criminals, where they can dispose of their loot for a few rand.

It is in this context that cable theft must be treated as economic treason and the harshest sentences be meted out to all involved.

This includes those workers who connive with criminals and give them valuable informatio­n about how to steal copper cables. Johannesbu­rg is the heartbeat of our economy and contribute­s 34% of GDP.

Such acts of criminalit­y must not be allowed. As citizens and ratepayers of our city we should work together with our city officials and law-enforcemen­t agencies in combating these crimes. Cable theft must be declared economic treason and be dealt with as such.

Public protector Busisiwe Mkhwebane has managed to devastate the credibilit­y of her office in almost record time.

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