Farmer's Weekly (South Africa)

Black farmers’ programme undergoing a clean-out


The multi-million-rand Black Producers Commercial­isation Programme’s (BPCP) blended finance facility was halted temporaril­y earlier this year to allow for a clean-out of non-target individual­s who were aiming to abuse the programme for personal benefit. This was according to the Department of Agricultur­e, Land Reform and Rural Developmen­t’s (agricultur­e department) director general, Mike Mlengana, who was also behind the establishm­ent of the BPCP.

Mlengana told Farmer’s Weekly that he had originally told his senior officials to ensure that only genuine, independen­t, small-scale black farmers be identified and encouraged to apply for BPCP grants and loans for the purpose of helping them on the road to becoming larger-scale commercial farmers. However, only months after the October 2018 applicatio­ns commenceme­nt date, he learned that government and Land Bank officials, together with non-target private individual­s, were applying for funding from the programme that was being managed by the Land Bank.

“I was really upset to learn about this. Corruption is in the blood of government. I immediatel­y put a temporary stop to the programme to allow for illegitima­te applicants to be found and dismissed. I will not have people in government benefittin­g from taxpayers’ money that is intended for genuine farmers,” he said. Mlengana said he had subsequent­ly tasked agronomist­s to personally visit and assess the operations of small-scale black farmers who had applied for BPCP blended finance, to confirm whether or not each farmer was a legitimate potential beneficiar­y of the programme.

The director general said that the BPCP aimed to identify and support 450 small-scale black farmers nationwide over the next five years with grants from the agricultur­e department and soft loans from the Land Bank. Only applicants with confirmed supply agreements with buyers, including government, would be considered for this support. – Lloyd Phillips

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