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Hartswater nail down third spot with dominant rugby display


IN A THRILLING encounter at the Kimberley Rugby Club grounds over the weekend, rugby fans were kept on the edge of their seats when Hartswater and Prieska Rugby Club clashed in the Frances Baard Rugby Region’s third place play-off.

The game delivered a spectacle of rugby talent and passion that will definitely remain in the memories of all who attended – players and spectators alike.

Both teams put up a massive display, but it was Hartswater * that rose to the occasion, claiming a resounding victory over Prieska with a final score of 55-26.

From the opening whistle, it was clear that Hartswater was determined to leave an indelible mark on the play-off. Their aggressive play and tactical brilliance quickly put them in control of the game.

Kevin Swiegers (pictured) earned his Man of the Match accolade, and was a force to be reckoned with. Swiegers’ exceptiona­l contributi­ons on the field solidified his status as a true rugby star, leading Hartswater with several pivotal plays that left the Prieska defence scrambling. Swiegers’ performanc­e was a masterclas­s show; his agility, speed, and strategic thinking created opportunit­ies that Hartswater capitalise­d on, and his defensive efforts were instrument­al in stifling Prieska’s attempts to gain momentum.

His leadership on the field was evident, inspiring his teammates to elevate their game and secure the dominant win.

However, amidst the celebratio­ns for Hartswater, the match also marked a poignant moment for the Prieska Rugby Club and its fans.

Burger Sandenberg­h bid farewell to his rugby career in a match that didn’t unfold as he had hoped. Sandenberg­h, whose contributi­ons to Prieska Rugby have been monumental, played his final game with passion and dedication.

The match was a true testament to the spirit of rugby, showcasing both the highs of victory and the bitterswee­t moments of farewell.

Hartswater’s triumph was a result of their relentless pursuit of excellence, while Prieska’s resilience in the face of a challengin­g onslaught highlighte­d their enduring passion for the sport.

 ?? ?? Picture: Danie van der Lith
Picture: Danie van der Lith

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